[openpgp] WKD lookup advanced → direct fallback clarification

Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> Tue, 20 August 2019 21:00 UTC

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Subject: [openpgp] WKD lookup advanced → direct fallback clarification
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   There are two variants on how to form the request URI: The advanced
   and the direct method.  Implementations MUST first try the advanced
   method.  Only if the required sub-domain does not exist, they SHOULD
   fall back to the direct method.

But it's not clear what "the required sub-domain does not exist" means
exactly.  I can imagine several different

 0) is there no DNS record at all at openpgpkey.example.org?

 1) does a DNS query for A records for openpgpkey.example.org return an
    assertion of non-existence?

 2) does a DNS query for A or AAAA records for openpgpkey.example.org
    return an assertion of non-existence?

 3) are all of the A or AAAA addresses returned from such a query
    (after following CNAMEs) unreachable on the network?

 4) if one is reachable, but port 443 is closed?

 5) if port 443 is closed, but the TLS handshake authentication fails?

 6) if the TLS connection completes, and an HTTP request can be sent,
    but the response is not an HTTP response?

 7) if the HTTP response does not return 200 for the specific lookup?

 8) if the 200 HTTP response is not a series of OpenPGP certificates?

I *think* that (2) above is the right trigger for the fallback, but i'm
not sure exactly how to implement it in many HTTP client libraries that
abstract away the specific failures. i'm also not exactly sure how to
implement it when connecting through a SOCKS5 proxy or other situation
where as a client i don't have access to the DNS queries directly.
Perhaps a concrete example about how/when to fallback would be a useful
contribution to the doc?

I've noted this question over on https://dev.gnupg.org/T4679 too, since
that appears to be the bug tracker for this document.
