[openpgp] Optional User IDs

"Neal H. Walfield" <neal@walfield.org> Fri, 31 May 2019 12:27 UTC

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Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 14:27:15 +0200
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From: "Neal H. Walfield" <neal@walfield.org>
To: Vincent Breitmoser <look@my.amazin.horse>
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Subject: [openpgp] Optional User IDs
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At Fri, 31 May 2019 09:42:21 +0200,
Vincent Breitmoser wrote:
> However, despite this flexibility, there are shortcomings for the use case of
> distributing these updates in a privacy-preserving way:
> 1. A TPK must consist of a primary key, followed by at least one UserID.
> Strictly speaking there doesn't have to be a signature on that User ID, but in
> practice OpenPGP implementations commonly consider TPKs that carry no UserID (or
> no signed UserID) as invalid.

My understanding is that this restriction has been lifted from 4880bis
for V4 keys.  Specifically, Section 12.1 now makes User IDs optional:

     [Revocation Self Signature]
     [Direct Key Signature...]
     [User ID [Signature ...] ...]


Whereas in 4880, this reads:

      [Revocation Self Signature]
      [Direct Key Signature...]
       User ID [Signature ...]
      [User ID [Signature ...] ...]


As I understand it, this change comes from merging
draft-atkins-openpgp-device-certificates, which says:

   The description in RFC 4880 requires a User ID.  Implementors of
   this specification can loosen that requirement such that an
   augmented V4 device certificate looks like the following sequence
   (no longer requiring a User ID packet):


:) Neal