[PANRG] Last call: IRTF Code of Conduct

Colin Perkins <csp@csperkins.org> Wed, 28 August 2024 10:52 UTC

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Reply-To: irtf-discuss@irtf.org, The IRSG <irsg@irtf.org>
Subject: [PANRG] Last call: IRTF Code of Conduct
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The IRSG is proposing that the IRTF adopt the code of conduct described 

If adopted, this code of conduct will apply to participation in all IRTF 
research groups, the IRTF open meeting, IRTF workshops such as the ANRW, 
mailing list discussions, and other IRTF activities.

The code of conduct provides guidelines for conduct in meetings and on 
mailing lists, use of language and imagery, academic integrity, research 
ethics, and accessibility.

The IRSG is proposing the IRTF adopt this code of conduct, distinct from 
that of the IETF ([RFC 
7154](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7154/)) because the IETF code 
of conduct is focussed on appropriate conduct for the development of 
standards, while the IRTF needs guidelines for the conduct of research. 
The differences between the two documents reflect the different roles of 
IRTF and IETF. Policies that are shared between the two organisations, 
such as those relating to anti-harassment and inclusive language, and 
the role of the Ombudsteam, are included by reference.

This proposal has been under discussion by the IRSG since October 2023. 
Community feedback has been sought via the IRTF announcement mailing 
list, in the IRTF open meetings at IETF 118, 119, and 120, and in the 
plenary of the recent IETF 120 meeting in Vancouver. A number of 
research groups have also previously circulated calls for feedback.

If you have any final comments or feedback on this [proposed IRTF code 
please send them to the IRSG (irsg@irtf.org) with a copy to the 
irtf-discuss@irtf.org mailing list. The deadline for comments is Friday, 
September 13, 2024.

Colin Perkins
IRTF Chair