Re: [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04
"Holland, Jake" <> Wed, 05 September 2018 03:49 UTC
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From: "Holland, Jake" <>
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Thread-Topic: [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04
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Hi Sandy, Thanks for working on this. I read through it, and I saw a few points I thought I should mention. 1. I noticed that this is Standards Track, but it has normative references to MSDP (RFC 3168), which is Experimental. I remember seeing in that a variance was required for a similar downref. If I understand the process in correctly, we'd either need this document to be Experimental instead of Standards Track, or we'd need to justify a similar variance. So I suggest making this doc Experimental. 2. I noticed the filter acls were strings, but there's no definition of the format or meaning of the strings, that I saw. Maybe the filters should use the acl-base type from ? Either that or define the semantics of the strings in the acls, and how they filter. 3. I also saw a few nits: - section 6 is just: " No notification is defined in this model." Maybe it's better to remove the section? - section 3 I think there's a grammar error. Suggestion: OLD: The filter features allow operators to avoid some SA information be forwarded to some peers. NEW: The filter features selectively allow operators to prevent SA information from being forwarded to peers. - section 5 I think there's a missing word. Suggestion: OLD: The part is used to define some useful and ordinary operations NEW: The RPC part is used to define some useful and ordinary operations I have no other objections, I think it looks ok overall, as far as I can tell. Kind regards, Jake On 2018-08-27, 16:54, "Stig Venaas" <> wrote: Hi This is the second WGLC for this document. There was no feedback during the first last call in February, but the document has been revised and improved since then. Mike and I believe it is time for another last call. Please respond by September 10th whether you believe it is ready for publication, and what issues you may have with the document. Thanks, Stig _______________________________________________ pim mailing list
- [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04 Stig Venaas
- Re: [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04 zhang.zheng
- Re: [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04 Holland, Jake
- Re: [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04 Stig Venaas
- Re: [pim] WGLC for draft-ietf-pim-msdp-yang-04 Mahesh Sivakumar