[pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-ietf-pim-3376bis) WAS: [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3376 (6725)
Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com> Wed, 27 October 2021 16:54 UTC
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From: Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-ietf-pim-3376bis) WAS: [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3376 (6725)
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[Trying again — with the correct pim address. ] Dear pim WG: Hi! Given the work on rfc3376bis, I want to bring the WGs attention to this new report. I am looking forward to any comments. Thanks! Alvaro. On October 27, 2021 at 1:06:41 AM, RFC Errata System ( rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org) wrote: The following errata report has been submitted for RFC3376, "Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3". -------------------------------------- You may review the report below and at: https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6725 -------------------------------------- Type: Technical Reported by: Nasir Ahmed <nasir.ahmed@commscope.com> Section: 8.4 Original Text ------------- 8.4. Group Membership Interval The Group Membership Interval is the amount of time that must pass before a multicast router decides there are no more members of a group or a particular source on a network. This value MUST be ((the Robustness Variable) times (the Query Interval)) plus (one Query Response Interval). Corrected Text -------------- 8.4. Group Membership Interval The Group Membership Interval is the amount of time that must pass before a multicast router decides there are no more members of a group or a particular source on a network. This value MUST be ((the Robustness Variable) times (the Query Interval)) plus (2 * Query Response Interval). Notes ----- A router resuming querier role (when current querier dies off) waits for other querier timer value to be expired. This value is ((the Robustness Variable) times (the Query Interval)) plus (one half of one Query Response Interval). This value by default comes as (2 * 125 + 10/2) = 255. Whereas GMI comes as (2 * 125 + 10) = 260. A group learnt with this value will have its group timer value set to expire from anywhere from 260 + 10 (min 260, max 270 due to random response from host in the interval of max response time delay after a query). Now a new router resuming a querier role will generate query after 255 sec. At this point of time the group timer left will be in the range of (260 - 255) 5sec to (270 - 255 ) 15sec. Since the query response can come anywhere between 10sec, Groups whose timer value is less will expire and will result in traffic drop. Therefore it is recommended to increase the default GMI value by one extra Query Response Interval. That is - ((the Robustness Variable ) times (the Query Interval)) plus (2 * Query Response Interval). Instructions: ------------- This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. -------------------------------------- RFC3376 (draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-v3-11) -------------------------------------- Title : Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3 Publication Date : October 2002 Author(s) : B. Cain, S. Deering, I. Kouvelas, B. Fenner, A. Thyagarajan Category : PROPOSED STANDARD Source : Inter-Domain Multicast Routing Area : Routing Stream : IETF Verifying Party : IESG
- [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-ietf-… Alvaro Retana
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Stig Venaas
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Stig Venaas
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Hitoshi Asaeda
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Alvaro Retana
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Brian Haberman
- Re: [pim] IGMP Group Membership Interval (draft-i… Hitoshi Asaeda