[PWE3] Status of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tictoc-1588overmpls-02.txt

Gregory Mirsky <gregory.mirsky@ericsson.com> Wed, 25 July 2012 23:09 UTC

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From: Gregory Mirsky <gregory.mirsky@ericsson.com>
To: Yaakov Stein <yaakov_s@rad.com>, "odonoghue@isoc.org" <odonoghue@isoc.org>, "Bocci, Matthew (Matthew)" <matthew.bocci@alcatel-lucent.com>, "Malis, Andrew G (Andy)" <andrew.g.malis@verizon.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 19:08:56 -0400
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Dear Chairs, et al.,
I found that draft Transporting PTP messages (1588) over MPLS Networks been scheduled for presentation at both TICTOC and PWE3 sessions at IETF-84. AFAIK, the draft expired as of April 9, 2012 and that is confirmed by IETF Datatracker https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tictoc-1588overmpls/.
Discussion of the version -02 already took place and, according to minutes from TICTOC meeting at IETF-83 in Paris, concluded with "Some attendees wish to wait for version 03 before commenting further."
Which version will be presented this time - -02 or else?
