[Qirg] near-final agenda: last call for agenda items
Rod Van Meter <rdv@sfc.wide.ad.jp> Mon, 18 March 2024 06:49 UTC
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Subject: [Qirg] near-final agenda: last call for agenda items
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We currently have ten minutes of AOB and five minutes of slack in the agenda for Wednesday. Anyone have any additional, short topics to present? If not, I am going to grant an extra five minutes each to Michael and Monet and list AOB as five minutes. (Remember, these times include Q&A, so short presentations and long discussion are good.) But we *will* have to stick to the times as posted if I do that, so we don't miss our break! Current agenda: * Administrivia (5 minutes) *speaker*: chairs * Routing in Quantum Networks (25 minutes) *speaker*: Michael Cubeddu * Timing Regimes for Quantum Networks (20 minutes) *speaker*: Monet Tokuyama * draft-lopez-qirg-qi-multiplane-arch <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lopez-qirg-qi-multiplane-arch/>(10 minutes) *speaker*: Diego Lopez * A Link-Level Multiplexing Mechanism (15 minutes) *speaker*: Shota Nagayama * AOB (10 minutes)
- [Qirg] near-final agenda: last call for agenda it… Rod Van Meter