Working Group Last Call: QUIC protocol drafts
Lucas Pardue <> Wed, 10 June 2020 01:36 UTC
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From: Lucas Pardue <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 02:36:02 +0100
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Subject: Working Group Last Call: QUIC protocol drafts
To: QUIC WG <>
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X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 01:36:18 -0000
Hello, After more than three and a half years and substantial discussion, all 845 of the design issues raised against the QUIC protocol drafts have gained consensus or have a proposed resolution. In that time the protocol has been considerably transformed; it has become more secure, much more widely implemented, and has been shown to be interoperable. Both the Chairs and the Editors feel that it is ready to proceed in standardisation. Therefore, this email announces a Working Group Last Call (WGLC) for the following QUIC documents: * QUIC Transport * QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control * Using TLS to Secure QUIC * Version-Independent Properties of QUIC * HTTP/3 * QPACK Header Compression for HTTP/3 The WGLC will run for four weeks, ending on 8 July 2020. As a reminder, we have been operating under the Late-Stage Process; see In theory, this means that the contents of the drafts above already have consensus. However, the Chairs would like to actively reaffirm that consensus and start the process of wider review through a formal WGLC. Please review the documents above and open issues for your review comments in our repository at You may also send comments to Issues raised during WGLC will be handled in accordance with the Late-Stage Process defined in the Contribution Guidelines (see link above). Please note that design issues that revisit a topic where there's already declared consensus (see need to provide compelling reasons to warrant reopening the discussion. As part of this WGLC, we seek consensus on the remaining open design issue #3661 “Include epoch in the AAD or the nonce?” ( The proposed resolution for this issue is to close with no action, which means that the drafts above already reflect this emerging consensus. Subject to the feedback received during this WGLC, a subsequent smaller WGLC may be run in the near future to confirm any changes to the drafts made between now and then. The Applicability and Manageability drafts have some dependencies on the core drafts, so we'll run separate WGLCs for them. Cheers, Lars, Lucas and Mark QUIC WG Chairs
- Working Group Last Call: QUIC protocol drafts Lucas Pardue
- Re: Working Group Last Call: QUIC protocol drafts Lucas Pardue
- Re: Working Group Last Call: QUIC protocol drafts Lucas Pardue