Re: HTTP/3 server push: handling of lost PUSH_PROMISE

Kazuho Oku <> Wed, 28 July 2021 23:49 UTC

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From: Kazuho Oku <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 08:48:48 +0900
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Subject: Re: HTTP/3 server push: handling of lost PUSH_PROMISE
To: Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <>
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2021年7月28日(水) 11:53 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <>:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:21 AM Kazuho Oku <> wrote:
>> Tatsuhiro, thank you for raising the issue.
>> I actually wonder if the example being provided is a tip of an iceberg -
>> is the problem related to FIN at all?
>> Let's consider the following pattern:
>> * client sends a request
>> * server starts sending response, alongside a PUSH_PROMISE
>> * in addition, server initiates a push stream and starts sending data
>> * server-sent packets carrying the PUSH_PROMISE frame are lost
>> * client decides to cancel the request and sends RESET_STREAM &
>> * server continues sending the contents of the push stream
>> I could well be missing some aspects of push, but to me, the problem
>> looks like the lack of delivery guarantee of PUSH_PROMISE frames.
> My initial example is intentionally nallowed down to the specific case so
> that client does not send STOP_SENDING, but yes, essentially, you are
> correct that the inherent problem is that server push design relays on the
> PUSH_PROMISE which can be lost.

Thank you for checking.

I've opened

As stated on the issue, I think that lack of delivery guarantee is not only
a problem for PUSH_PROMISE, but also for Push Stream Header.

> Best regards,
> Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
>> 2021年7月27日(火) 17:56 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 3:31 PM Martin Thomson <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> This is a case where QUIC processing something doesn't imply HTTP/3
>>>> processing something.  QUIC read the data and "processed" it.  HTTP/3
>>>> decided not to handle it deliberately, and the PUSH_PROMISE fell between
>>>> the cracks.
>>>> One "solution" is to insist that endpoints attempt to process streams
>>>> for this stuff if they decide to discard responses.  This is like how in
>>>> HTTP/2 you still have to update the HPACK table after resetting a stream.
>>>> It's awkward, but I think that it would work if data is available.  I don't
>>>> think that there is any case in which data is unavailable to the client but
>>>> the server doesn't receive STOP_SENDING.
>>> It is indeed awkward that QUIC stack has to pass stream data all the way
>>> to the end of the stream (or sees RESET_STREAM or closed) to HTTP/3 client
>>> even after it requested stopping reading.  And the HTTP/3 client has to
>>> process it just for PUSH_PROMISE.  Does any implementation do this?
>>> Sending STOP_SENDING alone is not enough.  As I wrote in the previous
>>> post, by the time STOP_SENDING is received by the HTTP/3 server, it has
>>> finished processing the pushed stream and forgets it.  I imagine that if
>>> QUIC stack provides BSD socket-like interface and HTTP/3 server writes all
>>> data and can clear the memory without waiting for an acknowledgement.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
>>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, at 13:01, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > It looks like in certain conditions, client is unable to process
>>>> pushed
>>>> > stream and leaves it in unprocessable state indefinitely.
>>>> >
>>>> > Consider that client opens bidi stream and server sends PUSH_PROMISE
>>>> > and completes the response body which is very short (just a single
>>>> packet
>>>> > or two).  For some reason, client has decided to stop reading
>>>> > response, but FIN is seen (data recvd state), and does not send
>>>> > STOP_SENDING because it is not required (RFC mentions that it has a
>>>> > little value to send STOP_SENDING in data recvd state and
>>>> > unnecessary).  Client discards all stream data without handing it over
>>>> > to application, so PUSH_PROMISE is not processed.  Client does not
>>>> > know the push ID.  Because STOP_SENDING is not sent, server has no
>>>> signal
>>>> > which indicates PUSH_PROMISE is not processed, and opens a pushed
>>>> > stream.  Client receives pushed stream, but unable to find the
>>>> > corresponding PUSH_PROMISE.  It holds pushed stream until it sees
>>>> > PUSH_PROMISE, but it never come.  This causes the pushed stream to be
>>>> held by
>>>> > client indefinitely.
>>>> >
>>>> > Even if client sends STOP_SENDING to the bidi stream, it might not
>>>> > work if server finishes sending stream data and a pushed stream and
>>>> > forgets them before receiving STOP_SENDING.
>>>> >
>>>> > Best regards,
>>>> > Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
>> --
>> Kazuho Oku

Kazuho Oku