[rfc-i] Imbedded XML in PDF/A3

rjsparks at nostrum.com (Robert Sparks) Tue, 28 October 2014 19:05 UTC

From: "rjsparks at nostrum.com"
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:05:17 -0500
Subject: [rfc-i] Imbedded XML in PDF/A3
Message-ID: <544FE8ED.6050209@nostrum.com>

A comment both for the preservation draft and draft-hansen-rfc-use-of-pdf.

When we embed the XML in the PDF, I suggest doing so without any additional
encoding or compression. Make it such that you can get to the XML with 
cat, dd,
or whatever filesystem recovery tool lets you extract a string of octets 
and shove them
into something that will treat it as UTF-8. Visually finding the 
boundaries of the document
if it's stored this way will not be difficult.