[Roll] "Link quality" as a metric for MRHIF
Ralph Droms <rdroms.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 01 June 2012 20:15 UTC
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From: Ralph Droms <rdroms.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [Roll] "Link quality" as a metric for MRHIF
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How is the "link quality" metric used as a selected metric in MRHOF? As I read RFC 6551, the link quality container carries a list of individual link qualities. To use the link quality metric in MRHOF, does the computing node add up all the link qualities from the container option to compute the parent path cost? What about link quality sub-objects with link quality value "0"? - Ralph
- [Roll] "Link quality" as a metric for MRHIF Ralph Droms
- Re: [Roll] "Link quality" as a metric for MRHIF Omprakash Gnawali
- Re: [Roll] "Link quality" as a metric for MRHIF Ralph Droms
- Re: [Roll] "Link quality" as a metric for MRHIF Omprakash Gnawali