[Roll] RIOT Summit 2020: Call for Contributions
Emmanuel Baccelli <Emmanuel.Baccelli@inria.fr> Fri, 24 April 2020 09:14 UTC
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From: Emmanuel Baccelli <Emmanuel.Baccelli@inria.fr>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:14:24 +0200
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Subject: [Roll] RIOT Summit 2020: Call for Contributions
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Dear all, the below call for contributions might be of interest for you, as RIOT provides an open source implementation of RPL. In particular, ROLL-related talks, tutorials, or demos are very welcome -- *both online and onsite* -- on Sept. 14-15. Looking forward to your proposals! Cheers, Emmanuel (Apologies for potential cross-posting) ************************************************************************ CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS RIOT Summit 2020 September 14-15, 2020 Participation options: online & on-site (f2f meeting to be confirmed, at Station F, Paris, France) https://summit.riot-os.org ************************************************************************ RIOT is an open source operating system for microcontroller-based IoT devices. Initially developed by folks from academia, the RIOT community now consists of companies, makers, and hobbyist, distributed all around the world. The RIOT community gathers yearly at the RIOT Summit, which brings together RIOTers, beginners, and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT in the future. The event combines plenary talks, hands-on tutorials, and demos. Every year since 2016, the RIOT Summit was successful in providing a forum to connect. We aim to continue this tradition in 2020, with some changes catering for online participation. We will try our very best to create the special RIOT Summit atmosphere online, as well as onsite (f2f to be confirmed, at French Tech Central in Station F, Paris, France). The organizers of the RIOT Summit call for contributions that relate to RIOT and the Internet of Things. If you want to present a talk, a tutorial, or a demo (whether online or onsite!) please consider the Call for Contributions: * https://summit.riot-os.org/2020/call-for-contributions Best regards, the organizers, on behalf of the RIOT community
- [Roll] RIOT Summit 2020: Call for Contributions Emmanuel Baccelli