[Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (proposed text)
"Jonathan Hui (johui)" <johui@cisco.com> Fri, 03 August 2012 17:48 UTC
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From: "Jonathan Hui (johui)" <johui@cisco.com>
To: "roll@ietf.org" <roll@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (proposed text)
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Subject: [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (proposed text)
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We've been working on an update to draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast. I've attached a draft of the proposed text. Note that we will *not* be presenting this draft at the ROLL WG meeting. In a prior mail, I noted some deficiencies with the initial draft that was posted. We will discuss some of these deficiencies at the ROLL WG meeting today. The purpose of this mail is to give you some insight into solving those deficiencies as well as incorporating suggestions that were brought up on the list. If you get a chance to glance through before the WG meeting, great. In either case, let's continue the discussion on the list. Always looking for your feedback, especially from implementors. Thanks! -- Jonathan Hui
- [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (proposed… Jonathan Hui (johui)
- Re: [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (prop… Reddy, Joseph
- Re: [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (prop… Dijk, Esko
- Re: [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (prop… Dario Tedeschi
- Re: [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (prop… Dario Tedeschi
- Re: [Roll] draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast-02 (prop… Dijk, Esko