[Roll] nsa extension comments
Rahul Jadhav <rahul.ietf@gmail.com> Sat, 07 December 2019 08:06 UTC
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From: Rahul Jadhav <rahul.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2019 16:05:45 +0800
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Subject: [Roll] nsa extension comments
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Hello authors, I have pushed my PR[1] to the corresponding roll-wg repo. However, there are other points which require your attention. Following are my comments: o Carrying TLVs in NSA RFC 6551 explains that an NSA can be used to carry TLVs but it falls short of specifying the format for these TLVs. This document assumes the format of 8-bit type and 8-bit length. This format is fine but future specifications will have to refer to this document if they got to add new TLVs. Thus the generic TLV format should be made part of different section and an IANA registry needs to be created for the NSA TLV type. o Preference in PS set The document assumes that the parent addresses in the PS set have been added in the decreasing order of preference, without making it explicit. The PS IPv6 address(es) field requires an explanation in Section 4. o DIO length As per the draft, the DIO needs to carry NSA (Node State and Attributes) metric with PS (parent set) TLV. As per my understanding without compression, it would be a challenge to carry even two parent addresses in the PS. There has been a discussion about compression and as I remember we discussed doing it. Regardless, I feel we should do it if we want this to be a practical proposition. o Section 3.4 Usage: "For example, using different methods can be used to vary the transmission reliability in each hop." This statement implies that using different CA policy implementation can "control" the transmission reliability. As I understand, the strict policy is the best policy (in terms of all performance metrics), the nodes will go for other policy only when the strict policy cannot be used given their parent sets. The above statement implies that nodes may still go for a relaxed policy when strict can be used. o Configuration parameters The document specifies configuration parameters such as a. PARENT_SET_SIZE ... Not defined b. cur_ap_min_path_cost: How can the cur_ap_min_path_cost be equated with PARENT_SWITCH_THRESHOLD as mentioned in section 3.2.2 c. MAX_PATH_COST: No definition for this. The parameters warrant a rationale and a default value. Also more importantly, is it required that different nodes use the same value and if not what could be the impact. o Terminology section Terminology section should explain Alternative Parent, Parent Set, Preferred Grand Parent. o Section realignment It is better to explain CA Strict/Medium/Relax policies before explaining the CAOF because as a reader one needs to be familiar with these policies before understanding the OF. Regards, Rahul [1] https://github.com/roll-wg/draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension/pull/1
- [Roll] nsa extension comments Rahul Jadhav
- Re: [Roll] nsa extension comments Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis
- Re: [Roll] nsa extension comments Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis
- Re: [Roll] nsa extension comments Rahul Jadhav
- Re: [Roll] nsa extension comments Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis