Re: [rrg] Terminology (was: belated msg: further description of the recommendation process) (Noel Chiappa) Wed, 16 December 2009 01:08 UTC
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Subject: Re: [rrg] Terminology (was: belated msg: further description of the recommendation process)
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X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 01:08:00 -0000
> From: Brian E Carpenter <> > I was interpreting Noel to mean what we colloquially call an > "address space", whether identifier-addresses or locator-addresses. Umm, to me "namespace" is a very general concept, implying _nothing_ about either syntax, semantics, or what kind of things are being named. So, for example, the set of legal variable names in C is a 'namespace'. To me, an 'address space' is a more limited thing; although I can think of two kinds: i) for a processor ('the PDP-11 had a 16-bit address space'), and ii) for networking protocols ('PUP had a 16-bit address space' :-). > I have a little trouble with the IEN19 definition, since it clearly > uses "name" for what we now call identifier and "address" for what > we now call locator. Well, it is 30+ years old! (And I don't think the author had had the benfit of going through the Saltzer mill on generic naming concepts, either... :-) 'Identifier' to me is still a very general term, implying _nothing_ about either syntax, semantics, or what kind of things are being named (although for me it tends to have a syntax bias towards 'not for human use', but that's not absolute). Some people do seem to use it as close to a synonym for what I call an 'Endpoint Identifier'; for others, it seems to mean something close to the general concept 'name', except that to them it means 'name with only identity semantics' (i.e. no location, etc). I don't recall IEN-19 well enough to say with great certainty what I think Shoch's terms "name" and "address" correspond to in modern (hopefully more precise and widely-agreed-to) terms. Quickly reading the first page, his use of 'name' ("The 'name' of a resource indicates *what* we seek") could easily mean, for instance, 'service name'; it certainly seems to cover a very general group of kinds of name. I'd almost say it's sort of a synonym for the 'identification' property (i.e. names which have the property that they identify things). Similarly, his 'address' ("an 'address' indicates *where* it is") is almost a synonym for the class of names that have location semantics. So, to me, his paper seems like it might run afoul of the classic Saltzer maxim (RFC-1149): "trying to discuss the issues with too few well-defined concepts at hand" in that he has too few terms defined. The last couple of decades have, I think, shown us that by the time you cross-product not just the syntax of the meta-names (i.e. a name for a class of names), along with their semantics, but also _what_ kind of thing is being named (interface, stack, etc, etc) we either need i) multi-part meta-names (e.g. 'stack identifier'), or _lots_ of meta-names (e.g. 'locator' = 'topology-dependent interface name'). And even some of those can be divided further, e.g. by syntax: so we have 'fixed-length locators' (e.g. LISP RLOCs) and 'variable-length locators'... Noel
- Re: [rrg] Terminology (was: belated msg: further … Noel Chiappa