[rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness-03.txt
"Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)" <mperumal@cisco.com> Tue, 26 February 2013 15:06 UTC
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From: "Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)" <mperumal@cisco.com>
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Subject: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness-03.txt
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WG, This draft was presented in RTCWEB during IETF 83.5 and 84 and was discussed earlier in the BEHAVE and RTCWEB mailing lists. Most of the comments received and consensus reached so far have been incorporated (as a result the draft has been trimmed). It now also has a section on the W3C API implications. Is the draft heading in the right direction? Given that it just describes a STUN usage for performing consent freshness and liveness test and provides recommendations for the W3C APIs, would RTCWEB be a better home for this draft? Comments welcome. - Authors -----Original Message----- From: i-d-announce-bounces@ietf.org [mailto:i-d-announce-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of internet-drafts@ietf.org Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 11:57 PM To: i-d-announce@ietf.org Subject: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness-03.txt A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. Title : STUN Usage for Consent Freshness Author(s) : Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal Dan Wing Ram Mohan Ravindranath Hadriel Kaplan Filename : draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness-03.txt Pages : 7 Date : 2013-02-25 Abstract: Verification of peer consent before sending traffic is necessary in WebRTC deployments to ensure that a malicious JavaScript cannot use the browser as a platform for launching attacks. A related problem is session liveness. WebRTC applications may want to detect connection failure and take appropriate actions. This document describes a STUN usage that enables a WebRTC browser to perform the following on a candidate pair ICE is using for a media component after session establishment: The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness There's also a htmlized version available at: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness-03 A diff from the previous version is available at: http://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-muthu-behave-consent-freshness-03 Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at: ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/ _______________________________________________ I-D-Announce mailing list I-D-Announce@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/i-d-announce Internet-Draft directories: http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html or ftp://ftp.ietf.org/ietf/1shadow-sites.txt
- [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-conse… Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)
- Re: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-c… Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-c… Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)
- Re: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-c… Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-c… Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)
- Re: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-c… Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] FW: I-D Action: draft-muthu-behave-c… Salvatore Loreto