[rtcweb] Clarify "simultaneous video add" of JSEP draft

Stefan Hakansson LK <stefan.lk.hakansson@ericsson.com> Mon, 02 April 2012 14:00 UTC

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Hi Justin,

I'm reading the JSEP draft 
(http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rtcweb-jsep/?include_text=1) and 
got to section 7.4 which is an example of simultaneous add of video.

I think it is a very good thing to support, as one side adding video 
would not delay the other one (if doing so more or less simultaneously). 
However, I'm not sure I understand the flow in the example.

I could make some guesses on what is happening, but I would rather not 
make a complete fool of myself - could you elaborate a little bit on it?
