WG Last call on base and single hop

David Ward <dward@cisco.com> Wed, 06 July 2005 16:17 UTC

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From: David Ward <dward@cisco.com>
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All -
	As the base specifiction for BFD has stabilized as well as the
single hop specification, we are going to have a 3 week WG Last Call ending
July 31st. Assuming no major revisions (famous last words) will be required,
we will shepherd the drafts forward at that time.

If you have comments, please reply to the WG and authors with the subject line:

subject: LC comments < base spec | single hop>

Here are the pointers to the docs.



In other news, as Dave and I agreed in the last WG meeting, we will be 
submitting a "generic applicability" draft on how an app can boostrap BFD
sessions so that we don't need individual drafts for each of our favorite
protocols. Stay tuned.

The new draft MIB may or may not be published in time for Paris.
