[saag] NTLMSSP draft
Sarat G <sarath.ginjupalli89@gmail.com> Sat, 25 July 2015 07:10 UTC
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Subject: [saag] NTLMSSP draft
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Hi, Few months back, as a part of my project I have been implemented NTLMv2 in SMB3.0 server. I read in microsoft specs and everywhere that NTLM hashed are strong enough. Being a post graduate in Information Security, it's easy for me to understand that. So, here my question is like suppose if I want suggest some things to NTLM, can make draft of what I'm thinking of can send to this group to verify it? Because I have few things in mind that, why can't they negotiate hash algorithms also in NTLMSSP if they much about the use of week MD4 in NTLMSSP. I have been worked on this for a month, and come up with my suggestions to make NTLM much secure. Can some let me the know point of contact for these kind of things, I really interested in providing a brief implementation document of implementation of NTLMv2 in SMB server along with packet captures, so that it will be easy for the people who implement this. Will IETF accept those kind of drafts? One more question, I'm very much interested in security and working in the same domain, very well aware of SSL and TLS architectures and really looking for some mentor who can suggests me some areas to look into in the security so that I can contribute something in this platform. I'm not this is the right platform to ask this question, kindly ignore this if you feel it's irrelevant here. Thank You. Regards, Sarat G
- [saag] NTLMSSP draft Sarat G
- Re: [saag] NTLMSSP draft Simon Josefsson
- Re: [saag] NTLMSSP draft Sarat G
- Re: [saag] NTLMSSP draft Simon Josefsson
- Re: [saag] NTLMSSP draft Sarat G