[saag] Review request - draft-saarinen-blake2
Kathleen Moriarty <kathleen.moriarty.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 14 August 2015 22:43 UTC
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From: Kathleen Moriarty <kathleen.moriarty.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [saag] Review request - draft-saarinen-blake2
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Hello, draft-saarinen-blake2 is going through the ISE stream and might benefit from a broader review. It would be good to find any nits/issues now as opposed to errata later with the description, algorithm, or code. It describes the cryptographic hash function Blake2, contains algorithms and C code for implementing Blake2, and could be a nice reference to anyone that uses Blake2b or Blake2s in a draft later. It's a well-written draft if that help to entice you into reading it :-) Here is the direct link: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-saarinen-blake2/ Thank you! -- Best regards, Kathleen
- [saag] Review request - draft-saarinen-blake2 Kathleen Moriarty