[scim] User extension for not valid before / after ?

Yoann Gini <y@bravas.io> Wed, 07 September 2022 13:56 UTC

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From: Yoann Gini <y@bravas.io>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2022 15:56:39 +0200
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Subject: [scim] User extension for not valid before / after ?
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I'm new to this mailing list so I will quickly introduce myself. I'm Yoann
Gini, CTO of a french startup called Bravas who just raised money to build
an MDM+IDP all in once, with a big focus on passwordless and modern
management for SMBs.

One of our main work will be to work with SCIM as server to get identities
from HRIS and as client to push them in cascade to all federated services.

One of the issues we have right now is the need for us to know the validity
window of an EnterpriseUser.

For audit purposes and identity lifecycle we consider that all
EnterpriseUser in our solution need to have a some attributes defining the
contract start date and end date. Some kind of "not valid before" and "not
valid after".

Which can also be extended in depth with hold window, for example with
birth vacations, when someone is not supposed to work for a long period of
time but still employed, the not valid before/after dates does not change,
but we may want to add an "on hold" overlay for that vacation time.

This is not covered by User or EnterpriseUser scheme, and I do not see
other scheme at all here https://www.iana.org/assignments/scim/scim.xhtml

Is this kind of need already covered by a Draft? If yes, where to find
it/them? If not, do some people here want to collaborate on something?

And since I'm new to this list, if this is not the correct way to question
existing work in progress on specific topics like that, let me know how and
where I should ask.

Best regards
Yoann Gini