[secdir] EDHOC and Transports
Jim Schaad <ietf@augustcellars.com> Fri, 25 January 2019 05:08 UTC
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Someplace over the set of messages which I recently scanned one of the questions was what were the constrained restrictions that we were looking at as part of the evaluation process. There are three that I will highlight even though I am only able to provide any type of quantification for two of them: 1. Low-power devices that either are battery based or scavenge power, these devices pay a power penalty for every byte of data sent and thus have a desire for the smallest messages possible. 2. CoAP over SMS: SMS has a 140 byte packet size. There are two approaches for dealing with packets of larger than 140 bytes: 1) There is a method of appending multiple packets together to form a single larger packet. 2) You can use CoAP blockwise transfer. Using CoAP blockwise would result in 128 byte packets for the underlying transfer assuming that only 12 bytes are needed for the CoAP header itself. 3. 6LoPan over IEEE 802.15.4: This has a packet size of 127 bytes. The maximum frame overhead size is 25 bytes allowing for 102 bytes of message space. If one assumes 20 bytes of overhead for CoAP then this means a protocol packet size of 82 bytes. If one needs to break the message across multiple packets then the maximum data size is going to be 64 bytes using CoAP blockwise options. There are of course two additional transports which are to be considered IPV4 UDP and IPV6 UDP. Both of these transports have a packet size which is sufficiently large to hold a any given message using TLS or EDHOC. Jim
- [secdir] EDHOC and Transports Jim Schaad
- Re: [secdir] EDHOC and Transports Hannes Tschofenig
- Re: [secdir] EDHOC and Transports Hannes Tschofenig
- [secdir] EDHOC and Transports Tero Kivinen