[Secdispatch] Requesting agenda time for draft-krose-multicast-security

"Holland, Jake" <jholland@akamai.com> Wed, 27 October 2021 00:16 UTC

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From: "Holland, Jake" <jholland@akamai.com>
To: "secdispatch@ietf.org" <secdispatch@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Requesting agenda time for draft-krose-multicast-security
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Hi secdispatch,

I hope some of you had a chance to take a look at the document
Kyle sent about the security model for multicast for web traffic[0]:

I'm requesting a slot to talk about it for IETF 112, and hoping we
can get it dispatched to an appropriate venue.

Some background:

We've been doing some work on making multicast viable for web
traffic.  I'm chairing a W3C community group chartered to incubate
it[1].  We have a straw-man API[2] with a demo implementation[3]
(without the proposed authentication scheme[4] implemented yet)
that can support an app ported to wasm playing video[5].  As the
charter states, we're aiming to get into webtransport first in a
way functionally similar to the demo (server-to-client datagrams), 
and into other APIs like fetch/xhr, the h5 download attribute, and
webrtc afterwards.

We had hoped to do some further experimentation behind a command-
line flag, but my understanding of the key feedback we got when we
suggested this to chromium[6] was that we need a better security
model with wider consensus before we can do anything like this.
In particular, proposals for web traffic that have different
security properties from TLS will need robust review.

So we're looking for the right venue (and reviewers!) to establish
a well-considered IETF consensus on what it takes to make multicast
safe enough for the modern internet, particularly including web

We're hoping the final version of this doc will serve as the
foundation for guiding any necessary extensions to the appropriate
protocols, in much the same role that RFC 8826 played for WebRTC.

Thanks and regards,

PS:  Please note that it may also be appropriate and valuable,
depending on the answer, to move draft-ietf-mboned-ambi to the same
venue, as some of the discussion in mboned made me suspect it may
not be the right home for discussion of its security properties.

[0] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/secdispatch/LRMHRKiHfk3vgV43KRbG31x-y4I/
[1] https://www.w3.org/community/multicast/
[2] https://github.com/GrumpyOldTroll/wicg-multicast-receiver-api/blob/master/explainer.md 
[3] https://github.com/GrumpyOldTroll/chromium_fork
[4] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-mboned-ambi
[5] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/demos/multicast.html
[6] https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/net-dev/c/TjbMyPKuRHs/m/_Syfhri7AAAJ