[sidr] upcoming deadlines for IETF 97

Sandra Murphy <sandra.murphy@parsons.com> Tue, 25 October 2016 15:55 UTC

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Subject: [sidr] upcoming deadlines for IETF 97
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Might as well give the full list of reminders/nags:

	• 2016-10-31 (Monday): Internet Draft submission cut-off (for all drafts, including -00) by UTC 23:59, upload using IETF ID Submission Tool.
	• 2016-10-31 (Monday): Draft Working Group agendas due by UTC 23:59, upload using IETF Meeting Materials Management Tool.
	• 2016-11-04 (Friday): Early Bird registration and payment cut-off at UTC 23:59.
	• 2016-11-07 (Monday): Revised Working Group agendas due by UTC 23:59, upload using IETF Meeting Materials Management Tool.
	• 2016-11-07 (Monday): Registration cancellation cut-off at UTC 23:59.
	• 2016-11-11 (Friday): Final Pre-Registration and Pre-Payment cut-off at 17:00 local meeting time.

—Sandy, speaking as one of the wg co-chairs