Re: [Sidrops] [WGLC] draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validation-signaling-05 - Ends 28/December/2020
Nick Hilliard <> Wed, 30 December 2020 17:15 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Sidrops] [WGLC] draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validation-signaling-05 - Ends 28/December/2020
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Keyur Patel wrote on 11/12/2020 20:38: > A working group last call has been re-opened for > draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validation-signaling-05, “BGPsec Validation State > Signaling”. Please reply to the list with your comments. The WGLC will end > on December 28, 2020. > > The latest draft can be found > at: I'd like to see further work on validation-signaling-via-bgp-community drafts suspended, on the grounds that they are fundamentally harmful due to how they cause large-scale routing churn. This includes this draft, which I believe should not progress to be published as an rfc. Routing validation in the dfz has taken off a bit in the last year or two, and we're only now beginning to see how it behaves at scale. It's rather obvious in retrospect, but if there's a change in the validation state of a prefix, and if you're signaling this using bgp communities, then this causes the NLRI to be updated with the new community. In turn this will cause a bgp UPDATE to be sent. By contrast, if this is handled using native routing validation (i.e. rov / bgpsec), then the update is only flooded if the best path changes. Obviously a single update isn't a big deal, but what happens when there are systemic problems in the routing validation rpki? Every affected prefix is updated and if this is already the best path, then the new update may be flooded across the relevant routing domain. This has been happening a bit recently and it would be fair to assume that from time to time, routing validation component failures are going to happen. When this happens, the last thing you want is extraneous updates trashing the control planes on your network. Excess instability is something that needs to be designed out of protocols, not acknowledged as something which can be ignored. This is separate to all the other issues that have been raised by Job a couple of months ago, which I'm not really sure were adequately addressed by the draft authors. Nick
- [Sidrops] [WGLC] draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validation-… Keyur Patel
- Re: [Sidrops] [WGLC] draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validat… Nick Hilliard
- Re: [Sidrops] [WGLC] draft-sidrops-bgpsec-validat… Keyur Patel