[Sidrops] New on RIPE Labs: Lessons Learned on Improving RPKI
Nathalie Trenaman <nathalie@ripe.net> Mon, 04 May 2020 10:22 UTC
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Dear colleagues, In the light of our recent RPKI outages, I wrote a RIPE Labs article on what exactly happened, what we did to fix things and what we learned along the way. Transparency and trust are very important and I look forward to your comments and questions. https://labs.ripe.net/Members/nathalie_nathalie/lessons-learned-on-improving-rpki <https://labs.ripe.net/Members/nathalie_nathalie/lessons-learned-on-improving-rpki> Kind regards, Nathalie Trenaman RIPE NCC
- [Sidrops] New on RIPE Labs: Lessons Learned on Im… Nathalie Trenaman