[Sipping] Purpose of camarillo-sipping-sbc-funcs-02

Cullen Jennings <fluffy@cisco.com> Sat, 22 October 2005 17:25 UTC

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From: Cullen Jennings <fluffy@cisco.com>
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When this draft was started, my recollection was that the purpose was

   This document gives an overview to Session Border Controllers (SBCs)
   and to the functions they perform.  The way how SBCs relate to the
   telecommunication architectures is also presented.  The purpose of
   this document is to help the IETF community understand what
   functionality existing SBCs provide so that the appropriate working
   groups can decide whether or not new standard solutions need to be
   developed to provide such functionality (or a subset of it) in a
   standard way. 

I like that idea - we need to develop requirements and understanding of why
SBCs are used. Many people felt that we did not want to repeat the path that
IETF did with NATs that eventually resulted in the behave group.

However, the document seem to be moving in the direction of 1) assuming
specific ways to build SBC that may or may not reflect how they are all
build 2) turning into a B2BUA are evil documentation which right or wrong,
is not what I was hoping to get out of this document

What I want is a document that is a requirements document on the problems
that people want to solve that they currently solve using a SBC. This would
be informational - the BCP discussion leaves me feeling very unclear on what
the purpose of this document is.

So my questions is - what is the purpose of this document? I recognize it is
individual and that as it was written, the authors may have changed it's
purpose over time. 


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