[sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline XMPP contacts.
Emil Ivov <emcho@sip-communicator.org> Thu, 10 March 2011 19:43 UTC
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Hey folks, I was wondering if we already had a position on how (and if) users would be able to discover the SIP AOR of a jid they have in their roster and that they are not currently seeing, or have never seen online. Would it make sense to also allow uploading and retrieving that kind of information within a vCard? Of course, if available, information in a presence or a message stanza should always take precedence. Cheers, Emil
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Simo.Veikkolainen
- [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline XMPP … Emil Ivov
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Emil Ivov
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Emil Ivov
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Emil Ivov
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [sixpac] SIP AOR/GRUU discovery for offline X… Emil Ivov