[Softwires] MAP design team output
Ole Troan <otroan@employees.org> Thu, 03 November 2011 09:20 UTC
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Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2011 10:20:25 +0100
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Subject: [Softwires] MAP design team output
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All, after the Softwires Interim meeting in Beijing, a design team was tasked with producing a document with a common mechanism for Mapping of Address and Port. a mechanism that could be common for all the proposed stateless IPv4 over IPv6 mechanisms (dIVI-PD, 4rd-{E,T,U}, Stateless 4over6, SA46T-AS). the latest document is available here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-mdt-softwire-mapping-address-and-port-01 this is the work of the design team (consisting of most of authors of the above mentioned proposals). this does not in any way represent working group consensus of course. please comment and review as for any other individual submission. there is an appendix in the draft listing current open issues. these issues the design team could not reach consensus on and we would very much like the working group's input on these. I will initiate separate threads for each of the items in the list shortly. cheers, Ole
- [Softwires] MAP design team output Ole Troan