[Softwires] FYI: draft-despres-sam-02 enclosed
Rémi Després <remi.despres@free.fr> Fri, 13 March 2009 09:58 UTC
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For your information, draft-despres-sam-02, which was ready too late to be posted before IETF 74, is enclosed below It is a major update of the version-01 which was presented at IETF 73: - In Softwires, ref.: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/08nov/slides/softwire-3/softwire-3_files/slide0002.htm" rel="nofollow">http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/08nov/slides/softwire-3/softwire-3_files/slide0002.htm - In Behave, ref.: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/08nov/slides/behave-15.pdf" rel="nofollow">http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/08nov/slides/behave-15.pdf In San Francisco, its part that deals with NAT66 avoidance is to be discussed at the 6IA BOF meeting (ex NAT66). Its part that deals with Port-Range extension, is to be discussed at the SHARA BOF. Comments most welcome. Regards, RD
Internet Engineering Task Force R. Despres
Internet-Draft November 2008
Intended status: Standards Track
Expires: May 5, 2009
Stateless Address Mapping (SAM)
Avoiding NATs and restoring the end-to-end principle in IPv6
Status of this Memo
By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
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The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
This Internet-Draft will expire on May 5, 2009.
Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) is a generic mechanism to support
global addressing across network zones where routing is based on a
different address space. With it, the end-to-end principle, lost in
IPv4 with the deployment of NATs, can be restored without losing
services that NAT44s offer beyond address-space extension (private
addressing, basic firewall, site multihoming, privacy protection,
host-rooted subnets). Global-address packets are encapsulated in
local-address packets to traverse SAM zones, and global prefixes are
statelessly mapped into local addresses. For the IPv6-IPv4
coexistence period, port-restricted IPv4 addresses are used to extend
the global IPv4 address space.
Despres Expires May 5, 2009 [Page 1]
Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and general problem statement . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. NAT44 services availability of which in IPv6 is desirable . . 4
2.1. Private addressing (easy renumbering) . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2. Basic firewall (by default, no incoming connections) . . . 4
2.3. Site multihoming (automatic fallback) . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4. Privacy protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.5. Host-rooted subnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. SAM specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1. Local Zones - Root SAMs - Branch SAMs . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2. Encapsulation of global packets in local packets . . . . . 7
3.3. Global prefixes - global addresses - local addresses . . . 9
3.4. Endpoint global address to branch local address mapping . 11
3.5. Privacy protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.6. SAM parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.7. Port-range-based extended IPv4 addressing . . . . . . . . 16
4. SAM Application examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1. Address independence in an IPv6 site . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2. Multihoming and extended IPv4 addressing in a home site . 19
5. SAM as an alternative to NATs in IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6. Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
8. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 26
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
1. Introduction and general problem statement
In IPv4, Network Address Translations have been extensively deployed
(NAT44s). They are key to mitigate the IPv4 address shortage. But
they also offer various auxiliary services, described in Section 2:
private addressing, basic firewall, site multihoming, privacy
protection, host-rooted subnets.
In counterpart to these auxiliary services, these NAT44s have
introduced two drawbacks:
o Non compliance with the end-to-end principle of the Internet
Negative consequences include incompatibility with the IPsec
security mechanism, and difficulties for hosts to know their
own global addresses, which they need for connection
redirections, for host referrals, and and, in sites having
several site entrance routers, for multihoming support
mechanisms like the SCTP of [RFC4960] and [Shim6].
o Stateful operation.
Most NAT44s are in fact stateful NAPTs (ref. < xref
target="RFC2663" />): to support more local addresses than they
have external addresses, they maintain per-transport-connection
states. Negative consequences include limited scalability, and
the risk of denial of service attacks that go with it, as well
as single points of failures.
Since no global address shortage is in view in IPv6, the following
questions have to be asked:
o Which NAT44 services can, in IPv6, be offered statelessly and
without breaking the e2e principle?
o How?
This draft proposes to answer these questions more completely, and
with more technical details, than [RFC4864], the most advance
document on the subject so far.
For this, a Stateless Address Mapping generic mechanism is introduced
Conclusion, is that, provided SAM is supported in nodes at borders of
independently administered routing zones, the e2e principle can be
restored in IPv6, for all identified useful functions of NAT44s.
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
(This conclusion needs however to be confirmed after further work on
SAM details, after criticisms by other experts, after some possible
bug corrections, and after validations with running code.)
Thus, traversal of NATs in ISP infrastructures can be avoided.
(These NATs do provide useful connectivity to some non-SAM-capable
nodes, but have the drawback of breaking the e2e principle, with the
mentioned consequences on security, referrals, multihoming,
scalability and reliability.
2. NAT44 services availability of which in IPv6 is desirable
2.1. Private addressing (easy renumbering)
With NAT44s, when a prefix assigned by an ISPs to a customer site is
modified, local IP addresses in the site can remain unchanged.
2.2. Basic firewall (by default, no incoming connections)
Most NAT44s, being NAPTs, and therefore maintaining states for all
TCP and UDP connections, have as a byproduct a protection against
incoming connections (unless some "holes" are "punched" in this
protection, under explicit customer control). This level of security
protection is largely relied upon.
2.3. Site multihoming (automatic fallback)
In a site is multi-homed, and if it has a NAT device supporting all
its ISP interfaces, its hosts can take advantage of multihoming
without having to support any multihoming-specific function. This
level of multihoming support is better than none.
(For this, a NAT44 needs only to make sure that, for each transport
connection, all outgoing packets go through the same ISP. Thus, if
an ISP access fails, current TCP and UDP connections that go via this
ISP are broken, but theycan immediately be replaced by new ones.)
2.4. Privacy protection
From outside a site where a NAT44 operates in NAPT mode, it is
difficult to determine which hosts establish which connections. This
level of privacy protection, in particular for some web requests, is
an added value.
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
2.5. Host-rooted subnets
Behind a host that is assigned a single IPv4 address, it is possible,
with a NAT44 in the host, to deploy a private subnet. As modern
operating systems include a router function with a NAT44, a computer
can can serve as a root for a LAN.
Thus, the distinction between hosts and a routers is no longer a
distinction between types of devices. It has become only a
distinction between functions within nodes.
3. SAM specification
3.1. Local Zones - Root SAMs - Branch SAMs
As presented in Figure 1, the SAM mechanism applies to a SAM "local
zone" Z. Routing within this zone is independently administered, and
is based on a "local address space".
Each SAM zone has one or several "root interfaces" (Ri), that give
access to the global Internet. Each one has, in the global Internet,
one or several "global prefixes" (gZij) exclusively assigned to zone
SAM global prefixes can be global IPv6 and/or global IPv4. SAM local
address spaces can be IPv6 or IPv4, global or private. If both IPv4
and IPv6 are routed in the zone, one of the two is chosen for SAM.
(SAM is in this respect therefore an extension of the 6to4 of
[RFC3056], of the ISATAP of [RFC5214], and of [6rd], where all global
prefixes are IPv6 and all local address spaces are IPv4).
As explained in Section 3.7, global IPv4 addresses can be extended
beyond 32 bits to deal with the IPv4 address shortage during the
IPv4-IPv6 coexistence period.
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| /\ |
| || |
|_____:_____| || |______:_____|
| |
| gZ22
Zone Global prefixes gZij gZ11 gZ21
Root interfaces: _________:_______________________:________
|(Z) (root-SAM) (root-SAM) |
Root local addresses: | R1 R2 |
Ri | |
| |
| |
Branch local addresses: | B1 B2 B3 |
Bk | : : : |
Branch interfaces: |______:________________:_____________:____|
| | |
Branch Global prefixes: | (branch-SAM) |
*gBkij=gZij.zBk* => + gB211, gB221, gB222
Branch Global Addresses: + gB211@, gB221@, gB222@
*gBkij@=gBkij.H* ||
Figure 1
Each root interface that supports a root-SAM function has a local
address (Rk), and each "branch interface" has a local address (Bk).
If a "branch SAM" function is supported at a branch interface Bk,
this interface gets, in addition to its local address, global
prefixes (gBkij). Each of these prefixes is made of a global prefix
of the zone (gZij) followed by an identifier (zBk) of the branch in
its zone.
For each each of its global prefixes gBkij, a branch interface has
also a host global address (gBkij@), derived from the prefix by
appending a standard host suffix (H) to complete the address length.
Thus, if a zone D is accessible from the global Internet via a zone
hierarchy A, B, C, it has at least gA.aB.bC.cD as a global prefix gD,
and gA.aB.bC.cD.H as a global address gD@. SAM is thus an
application of the locator-identifier separation principle. (It
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
differs however from [LISP], in that no new protocol is needed fro
SAM, just new options in existing protocols such as DHCP [RFC2131],
DHCPv6 [RFC3315], or ND [RFC4861], to advertise SAM parameters to
branch interfaces.)
3.2. Encapsulation of global packets in local packets
endpoint Y Global address: gY
(3) e2e packet: [ gX->gY [data]]
|(Z) (root SAM) |
| ^ |
| | |
| ... |
(2) encapsulated packet: | |
*B = la(gX)* | [ B->R [gX->gY[data]] |
*R = parameter* | ^ |
| | |
| B |
=> + gB
(1) e2e packet: [ gX->gY [data]]
endpoint X Global address: gX=gZ.id(B).xxx
Figure 2
To traverse a SAM local zone, global-address packets are encapsulated
into local address packets, as illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3).
Thus, compatibility is ensured, within the local zone, with ingress
the filtering for multihomed networks of [RFC3704], the basic anti-
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
spoofing mechanism.
|(Z) (root-SAM) |
| |
| |
| |
(2) encapsulated packet: | [ B1->B2 [gE1->gE2[data]] |
*B1 = la(gX)* | -------->-------- |
*B2 = la(gY)* | / \ |
| ^ | |
| | v |
| B1 B2 |
BRANCH ZONES: (branch-SAM) (branch-SAM)
=> + gB1 => + gB2
^ |
| v
(3) e2e packet: ... [ E1->E2 [data]]
(1) e2e packet: [ E1->E2 [data]] ...
^ |
| v
gX=gZ.id(B1).xxx gY=gZ.id(B2).yyy
_:_ _:_
| X | | Y |
|___| |___|
Figure 3
For the IP-in-IP encapsulation, the IPv6 next header or the IPv4
protocol id which indicates the type of IP payload is set to 41 (the
same value as for 6to4, ISATAP, and 6rd).
Local addresses are determined as follows (illustrated in figures
Figure 2 and Figure 3):
1. If an endpoint global address gE, indifferently source or
destination, is that of a branch-side endpoint, this is
recognized by the fact that it starts with one of the global
prefixes of the zone. Then, the local address B is obtained by a
function B=la(gX), completely determined by SAM parameters of the
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
zone (details in Section 3.4).
2. If an endpoint global address gE, indifferently source or
destination, is that of a root-side endpoint, this is recognized
by the fact that it doesn't start with any of the global prefixes
of the zone. In this case, the other address gX of the packet,
destination or source respectively, is necessarily that of a
branch-side endpoint (otherwise the packet would not traverse the
local zone). Then, local address Ri is that of the root
interface that has, in its assigned global prefixes, the global
prefix present at the beginning of the branch-side address gX.
In multihomed sites, the second of these rules ensures compatibility
with the ingress filtering of [RFC3704] in root zones (if it does
apply, as necessary for anti-spoofing protection).
In Figure 2 and Figure 3, packets in the reverse direction, not
shown, would have the same addresses but with sources and
destinations inverted, and with encapsulations and decapsulations
made at inverted interfaces.
Decapsulation functions MUST verify, for anti-spoofing protection,
that local addresses present in headers of encapsulating packets are
consistent with global addresses present in headers of encapsulated
3.3. Global prefixes - global addresses - local addresses
Internal structures of SAM global prefixes, global addresses, and
local addresses are detailed in Figure 4.
A branch-interface global prefix necessarily starts with a global
prefix of the zone Z. Its remaining bits are a "branch identifier" in
the zone (gBkij = gZij.zB).
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
|<-------------- Branch global address gB@ ------------->|
|<-------- Branch global prefix gB --------> |
|<-- G --><----- Branch identifier iB ----> |
| local |branch| Subnet | branch | branch |
| zone | id | index | Index | Host |
| Global |Format| (option)| | endpoint |
| prefix | code | | | suffix |
| | | | | (10...00) |
| G | F | S | I | H |
_______/ <-- s ---><----- i ------>
/ ^ ^
v | |
Specifies s and b / \
(option) | \
Specify F <-----.-----|--------------------. \
\ | \ |
\ v \ v
<-- s ---> <----- i ------>|
|local-address| Subnet | next field | branch |
| constant | index | Delimiter | index |
| Prefix | | (00...01) | |
| | | | |
| P | S | D | I |
|<-- subnet prefix zS -->
|<-------------- Branch local address B ---------------->|
Figure 4
Principles that influence the internal structure of branch
identifiers proposed for SAM are the following:
1. To permit a flexible hierarchy of local zones, branch identifiers
should be kept rather short. They should, at least to some
extent, be proportionate to the maximum number of branches
supported in their zone.
2. Several subnets must be possible in the zone. For this, a branch
identifier contain an optional "subnet index" (S), followed the
"branch index" (I) which identifies the branch in its subnet.
(The word "index" is chosen to express that these fields have no
further internal structure.)
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
3. For the efficiency of routing tables, intra-zone subnet indexes
have to be in the upper part of local addresses, just behind the
"constant prefix" (P) that is common to all local addresses. (In
IPv6, this constant prefix can typically be an ULA prefix of
[RFC4193]; in IPv4 is typically a private-address prefix of
4. For efficiency of the neighbor discovery protocol of [RFC2461],
branch indexes B have on the contrary to be in the lowest part of
branch local addresses B.
5. Consequently, it must be possible to extract separately, from a
intra-zone branch identifier iB, the subnet index S and the
interface index I, and for this to know their lengths (s and i).
6. In order to permit to configure several subnet-index lengths,
and/or several interface index lengths, in SAM zones, an optional
branch-identifier "format code" (F) is placed at the beginning of
branch identifiers B (just before the optional subnet index S,
and the branch index B). Each format codes specifies a subnet-
index length s and an interface-index length i. Format codes T
may have different lengths, but must be non overlapping prefixes
to be recognized.
Since the local address B of a branch interface starts with a
constant prefix P followed by the interface subnet index S , and is
terminated by the interface-index of the interface, space is left
between them. It is filled with a next-field delimiter (D). Its
format, a series of 0s followed by a 1, i.e. 00...01 with a minimal
length of 1 bit, is chosen so that knowing the constant prefix P and
the subnet prefix of a branch interface, lengths s and i of the its
subnet index S and of its interface index I can be determined. Then,
the identifier format F to be placed in global prefixes of B can be
derived from these lengths s and i.
3.4. Endpoint global address to branch local address mapping
Detailed steps by which a branch local address B is derived from from
the global address of a branch-side endpoint are presented in
Figure 5.
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
| Endpoint Global address |
| gE |
___________________________________________ ............
| Global | id | Subnet | branch | endpoint :
| prefix |Format| index | Index | suffix :
| G | F | S | I | E :
| | | |
1. Match found | | | |
in the G list ___| | | |
| | |
2. Match found | | |
in the F list ______| | |
| |
3. length defined by F _______| |
. |
4. length defined by F ____________________|
. .
. \/ .
5. The current . .
local-address prefix __ . .
| . .
6. From step 3. _______:______.__ .
| | .
7. From step 4. _______:_________:_________.__________
| | |
8. Binary 00...01 _____:_________:________ |
| | | |
| local-address | Subnet |next field | branch |
| Prefix | index | Delimiter | Index |
| P | S | D | I |
|<--------------- Branch Local address B --------------->|
Figure 5
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
3.5. Privacy protection
In a zone where privacy protection is desired, the privacy option can
be turned on. Principles of this option are the following:
o Fields that identify branch-side IP endpoints in privacy protected
zones, or transport endpoints if endpoints are at this layer, are
obfuscated in e2e packets that traverse the the global Internet.
o This obfuscation is stateless and reversible.
o Branch SAMs of a privacy-protected zone are informed of parameters
of this obfuscation. They can thus know which "hidden" addresses
(or addresses plus ports), appear on the global Internet in place
of their "clear" addresses (or address plus ports). These clear
addresses are those from which local addresses are derived in the
privacy-protected zone and in zones that are lower in the
o In these lower zones, all branch SAMs are informed that a root SAM
in the global-Internet direction has activated a privacy option,
and are informed of parameters of this option. They can thus
derive a clear address (or address plus port) from an obfuscated
address (or address plus port), and conversely. They can also
avoid to activate the privacy so that obfuscation is never done
more than once.
Parameters of a privacy option are a privacy global prefix (PPm) and
a scrambling multiplier (PMm). The prefix is that which, at the
beginning of global addresses, is not obfuscated in the global
Internet. The multiplier is a 64 bit odd constant.
Obfuscation consists in a modulo 2^n multiplication by the scrambling
multiplier, where n is the number of bits to be obfuscated. De-
obfuscation is the modulo 2^n multiplication by the inverse of the
scrambling multiplier (for odd numbers, such an inverse modulo 2^n
always exists).
In hosts in which the branch SAM is informed of an active privacy
option, applications that ask for their address and their port at
their socket interface, get them in hidden form, that which appears
in the global Internet. The e2e principle is thus preserved despite
the fact that the topology of the privacy-protected zone and that of
lower zones in the hierarchy are all hidden, and despite the fact
that successive transport connections from a same host cannot, in the
global Internet, be related to a single host.
Ports that are concerned with the privacy option are only the IANA
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defined dynamic and/or private ports (ports 49152 to 65535, those
starting with binary 11). Well known ports and registered ports,
which have an e2e meaning not to be lost must not be obfuscated.
Since some applications, e.g. active mode FTP of [RFC0959], work on
port pairs rather than on individual ports, port bits to be
obfuscated must exclude the las one. Port bits that are part of
obfuscated endpoint identifiers are then bits 2 to 14.
e2e packet: gZ11.F2.hhhh->gY [TCP hh->80 [data]]
|(Z) .--> (root SAM) |
Privacy-option ON / Rk |
for prefix PP1 = gZkij.F1 ---' ^ LOCAL ZONE Z |
with multiplier PM1 | |
| | |
| ... |
encapsulated | [ B->R [ gZkij.cccc->gY [TCP cc->80 [data]] |
packet | |
| ^ |
| | |
| B |
(branch SAM)
Clear-address packet: gZkij.F1.cccc->gY [TCP cc->80 [data]]
e2e packet: gZkij.F1.hhhh->gY [TCP hh->80 [data]]
where tmp = modulo 2^m (PM1 x (cccc . (bits 2 to 14 of cc))
where m = length of cccc + length of cc - 3
hhhh = bits 0 to (length of hhhh - 1) of tmp
hh = cc in which bits 2-15 are replaced by
bits(length of PP1 TO m - 1) of tmp .
Figure 6
Figure 6 illustrates the effect of the privacy option. The option is
supposed to be on, in the root SAM of the zone, for its global prefix
gZkij and its identifier format F1. The privacy-option prefix is
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therefore PP1 = gZ11.F2. the scrambling multiplie ris PM1.
3.6. SAM parameters
Table 3 to Table 5 of this section present the complete set of SAM
parameters described in previous sections.
| constant local Prefix | TTL |
| ... | ... |
| Pm | PTm |
| ... | ... |
Table 1
| identifier Format | TTL | Subnet-index | Interface-index |
| code | | Length | Length |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
| Fn | FTn | SLn | ILn |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
Table 2
| Root local | TTL | Global Prefix | ... | Global Prefix | ... |
| address | | 1 | | j | |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| Ri | RTi | gZi1 | ... | gZij | ... |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Table 3
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| Global zone prefix | TTL |
| ... | ... |
| gZij | GTij |
| ... | ... |
Table 4
| Privacy-option Prefix | TTL | Privacy-option Multiplier |
| ... | ... | ... |
| PPp | PTp | PMp |
| ... | ... | ... |
Table 5
3.7. Port-range-based extended IPv4 addressing
For a dual stack host not to break the e2e principle when it
establishes a connection with an remote endpoint that is still only
reachable in IPv4, it must have a global IPv4 address. Because of
the IPv4 address shortage, this address may however be shared with
other hosts. For this, SAM accepts "port-extended" IPv4 prefixes,
longer than 32 bits. Bits beyond the first 32 define a port range in
the set of dynamic and/or private ports (those in which the two high
order bits are binary 11). For example, a 3-bit prefix extension 010
imposes that branch-side hosts use only ports starting with binary
Note that, due to the systematic encapsulation of global packets in
local packets of SAM, routing within SAM zones is not concerned with
theses "port-extended" IPv4 addresses. Only root SAMs and branch
SAMs have to know about of port ranges.
The branch SAM in a host that is assigned a port-restricted IPv4
address has to inform its socket interface of the port range
available to applications, and to inform its internal NAT if it has
one. Consequences for applications, and for NATs, of restricted port
ranges, are out of the scope of this SAM specification. Other
documents are available on the subject, e.g. [Boucadair], which
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however requires further study.
4. SAM Application examples
4.1. Address independence in an IPv6 site
In the example of Figure 7, we consider a home or SOHO site in which
an Ethernet and/or WiFi LAN is deployed. Its global IPv6 prefix gZ
is 2001:0db8:9999::/48.
Local addressing is done in an IPv6 private space. To keep address
shorts in the figure, the constant prefix of these addresses is
fc00/8, the shortest prefix reserved for private IPv6 addressing in
[RFC4193]. (This prefix could however be replaced by a full fdxx:
xxxx:xxxx::/48 prefix, as recommended in [RFC4193] for ULAs, without
changing the substance of the example.)
The site is configured to support 255 branch interfaces on the LAN
(each branch being indifferently a host and/or a router). To
facilitate future changes, a branch-identifier format code F1, set to
0/4, is used in branch global prefixes.
SAM parameters of the site are then following (ignoring TTLs):
Constant local prefix: P1 = fc00/8
Identifier format code: F1 = 0::/4
Subnet index length: SL1 = 0 (non applicable)
Interface index length: IL1 = 8
Root local address: R1 = fc00::0101
Zone Global prefix: gZ11 = 2001:0db8:9999::/48
Privacy option prefix: none in this example
We now consider a SAM-capable PC which serves as a router for a
bluetooth link. On this link, a bluetooth mobile phone is active.
(Configuring a root-SAM in the PC would permit the mobile phone, if
acting as a SAM-capable router, to assign global prefixes and
addresses, to hosts behind it. But this would have been too much for
the example).
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|(Z) (root SAM) for 2^8 hosts |
Site | fc00::0101 |
gateway | |
| |
| fc00::0155 |
Ethernet and/or WiFi ...
fcOO::/64 |
(branch SAM)
=> + 2001:0db8:9999:0550::/60
PC | |
Bluetooth ...
2001:0db8:9999:0550::/64 |
2001:0db8:9999:0550:< eui64 IID >
| |
Mobile phone | |
| |
Figure 7
The PC local address B is fc00::0155, i.e. P.D.I where P is
fc00::/8, where the 8 bits of I are supposed to be 55::/8, and where
D is binary 00...01 with consequently (128 - 8 -8) = 112 bits.
The PC global prefix gB is therefore 2001:0db8:9999:0550::/60, i.e.
G.F.I, where G is 2001:0db8:9999::/48, where F is 0::/4, and where I
is 55::/8.
The PC global address is therefore 2001:0db8:9999:0558::, i.e. gB.E
where E is binary 10...00 with (128 - 48 - 4 - 8) = 68 bits.
The bluetooth link is supposed to have 0::/4 as subnet ID in the PC.
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Its /64 subnet prefix is therefore 2001:0db8:9999:0550::/64.
This simple example illustrates how the SAM logic permits to
establish a hierarchy of routing zones where each host can become a
router, and where the e2e principle is preserved.
4.2. Multihoming and extended IPv4 addressing in a home site
In the example of Figure 8, we consider a home site S, multihomed
with two ISPs A and B.
ISP A assigns to the site IPv6 prefix 2001:1111:1111:1110::/60, and
IPv4 address
ISP B can only assign port-restricted IPv4 addresses to its sites
because it has to support up to 2^16 sites, and has only for this an
IPv4 /18 prefix (namely, i.e. v4|c610:0000:/18), and
since 18 + 16 = 34 which exceeds 32. Having 2001:0db8::/32 as its
IPv6 prefix, it assigns /48s to its customer sites, in particular
2001:0db8:0202::/48 to site S.
Half of its IPv4 address space, namely v4|c608:c000/19 is allocated
to a NAT to support sites that are not SAM capable. The other half,
i.e. v4|c610:2000/19, is allocated to a root SAM, the local address
of which is supposed to be 2001:0db8::1.
SAM parameters of the zone of ISP B are then the following:
Constant local prefix: P1 = 2001:0db8: = v4|a000::/8
Identifier format code: F1 = ::/0 (non applicable)
Subnet index length: SL1 = 0 (non applicable)
Interface index length: IL1 = 16
Root local address: R1 = 2001:0db8::1:1
Zone Global prefix: gZ11 = v4|c608:8000/19 (=
Privacy option prefix: none in this example (::/0)
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2001:0db8::/32 =v4|c610:0000:/18
|(B) / \ |
| | v4|c610:2000/19 |
| v4|c608:c000/19 | |
| (NAT) (root SAM) |
| 2001:0db8::1 |
|(A) | | |
| | | |
|2001:1111:1111:1110::/60| | (2^16 SAM sites) |
| | | |
| =v4|c000:0201/32 | | 2001:0db8:0202::/48 |
|________________:_______| |___________________:________________|
| (branch SAM)
| => + v4|c610:2040:4000::/35
| = 11010...
|(S) / \ / \ |
| | v4|c000:0201:0000::/33 | v4|c610:2040:4000::/36|
| | ::/0 | ::/0 |
| v4|c600:0201:8000::/33 | v4|c608:2040:6000::/36 | |
| (NAT) (root SAM) (NAT) (root SAM) |
| fc00::0011 fc00::0012 |
| |
| (2^4 SAM hosts) |
| fc00::0018 |
HOST (H) (branch SAM)
=> + 2001:1111:1111:1118:8000::0008/64
+ 2001:0db8:0220:4800::0008/52
+ v4|c000:0201:4000::/37 = ports 1101000...
+ v4|c610:2040:5000::/40 = ports 1101001000...
Figure 8
In site S, the branch SAM of its root interface with ISP B derives
from its IPv6 prefix 2001:0db8:O2O2::/48, and from SAM parameters of
ISP B, its IPv4 prefix v4|c610:2040:4000::/35, which is a port-
restricted one.
Two root SAMs are configured in site S. Its local-address constant
prefix is fc00::/8 as. Half of the each available IPv4 addressing
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space is reserved for a NAT, and the other half for a root SAM.
Parameters of SAMs of site S are then the following:
Constant local prefix: P1 = fc00/8
Identifier format code: F1 = 0::/4
Subnet index length: SL1 = 0
Interface index length: IL1 = 8
Root local addresses: R1 = fc00::0011; R2 = fc00::0012
Zone Global prefixes: gZ11 = 2001:1111:1111:1110::/60; gZ12 = v4|
c000:0201/32; gz21 = 2001:0db8:0202::/48; gZ22 = v4|
Privacy option prefix: none in this example (::/0)
Among the 16 hosts of home site S, Host H is supposed to have local
address fc00::0018. As shown on the figure, the branch SAM of host H
then derives from this local address two IPv6 global prefixes, two
IPv6 global host addresses starting with these prefixes, and two
port-restricted IPv4 prefixes. With these prefixes, it can use,
without breaking the e2e principle, 512 ports for connections via ISP
A, and 64 ports via ISP B.
5. SAM as an alternative to NATs in IPv6
With SAM as specified, all NAT44 services that have been listed in
Section 2 can be offered in IPv6 without stateful processing and
without breaking the e2e principle:
1. In a private-addressing IPv6 site, hosts can know their global
addresses to use them in e2e packets that are encapsulated in
local packets to traverse the site. Renumbering is then
automated simply by automating advertisement of SAM parameter
changes (in DHCP and/or with router advertisements).
2. The fact that NAT44s are in general configured with by default
rejection of all incoming calls can have a simple stateless
equivalent in IPv6:
* By default, reject all incoming packets that have a branch-
side port in the well known or in the IANA defined registered
port ranges.
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* By default, reject all TCP incoming packets that are attempts
to open new incoming connections (SYN packets without ACK).
3. In a SAM-capable site, SAM-capable hosts can take advantage of
site multihoming with full compatibility with ingress filtering
of [RFC3704] in both the site itself and in ISP networks to which
it is connected.
4. The privacy protection described in Section 3.5 maintains the e2e
principle. It is expected to be largely sufficient in practice.
(Sophisticated hackers would probably find ways around it, and
identify who does what in sites havin the privacy-protection
option, but NAT44s are not perfect for privacy protection
5. As we have seen, SAM global addresses contain a flexible
succession of branch identifiers, so that it becomes possible to
set up a flexible hierarchy of private addressing zones. In
particular, host-rooted subnets become possible without breaking
the e2e principle.
For information, no intellectual property right has been applied for
by the author on any of SAM mechanisms. The intent is to facilitate
IPv6 deployment with new mechanisms that still enhance its potential.
6. Security considerations
Like any function where some parameters have to be configured, SAM
introduces a risk of human errors.
Besides that, no security risk introduced by SAM has so far been
identified. In particular:
Provided consistency between local addresses present in encapsulating
packets and global addresses present in encapsulated packets are
systematic, no more address spoofing is possible than without SAM.
Due to the stateless operation of SAM, its scalability is high.
Prevention against denial of service attacks should therefore remain
easy even for very intense traffic (e.g. using load balancers in
front of parallel devices).
7. IANA Considerations
If and when this specification is stabilized and approved, option
codes in DHCP, DHCPv6, and ND will have to be defined to
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automatically convey SAM parameters to branch SAMs.
8. Acknowledgements
As this specification has evolved during many months, precious
encouragement and remarks were received from Mark Townsley. He has
to be warmly thanked for it. Concerning what SAM can bring to port-
restricted IPv4 addresses, stimulating discussions with Dan Wing,
Teemu Savolainen, Gabor Bajko, Pierre Levis, Jean-Luc Grimault, and
Alain Villefranque, have influenced progress of the work. Gratitude
is due to them for this. Challenging remarks, and a few (deserved)
criticisms from Alain Durand have also helped to better analyze how
SAM will coexist with NATs. He deserves credit for it.
9. References
9.1. Normative References
[RFC1918] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, R., Karrenberg, D., Groot, G., and
E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private Internets",
BCP 5, RFC 1918, February 1996.
[RFC2131] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol",
RFC 2131, March 1997.
[RFC3315] Droms, R., Bound, J., Volz, B., Lemon, T., Perkins, C.,
and M. Carney, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for
IPv6 (DHCPv6)", RFC 3315, July 2003.
[RFC4193] Hinden, R. and B. Haberman, "Unique Local IPv6 Unicast
Addresses", RFC 4193, October 2005.
[RFC4861] Narten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., and H. Soliman,
"Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 4861,
September 2007.
9.2. Informative References
[6rd] Despres, R., "IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4
infrastructures (6rd) - Work in progress
(draft-despres-6rd-02)", October 2008.
Boucadair, M., Grimault, J-L., Levis, P., and A.
Villefranque, "Behaviour of BitTorrent service in an IP
Shared Address Environment
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
(draft-boucadair-behave-bittorrent-portrange-02 - work in
progress)", january 2009.
[LISP] Farinaci, D., Fuller, V., Oran, D., Meyer, D., and S.
Brim, "Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) -
draft-farinacci-lisp-09", December 2008.
[RFC0959] Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol",
STD 9, RFC 959, October 1985.
[RFC2461] Narten, T., Nordmark, E., and W. Simpson, "Neighbor
Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 2461,
December 1998.
[RFC2663] Srisuresh, P. and M. Holdrege, "IP Network Address
Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations",
RFC 2663, August 1999.
[RFC3056] Carpenter, B. and K. Moore, "Connection of IPv6 Domains
via IPv4 Clouds", RFC 3056, February 2001.
[RFC3286] Ong, L. and J. Yoakum, "An Introduction to the Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)", RFC 3286, May 2002.
[RFC3582] Abley, J., Black, B., and V. Gill, "Goals for IPv6 Site-
Multihoming Architectures", RFC 3582, August 2003.
[RFC3704] Baker, F. and P. Savola, "Ingress Filtering for Multihomed
Networks", BCP 84, RFC 3704, March 2004.
[RFC4219] Lear, E., "Things Multihoming in IPv6 (MULTI6) Developers
Should Think About", RFC 4219, October 2005.
[RFC4301] Kent, S. and K. Seo, "Security Architecture for the
Internet Protocol", RFC 4301, December 2005.
[RFC4864] Van de Velde, G., Hain, T., Droms, R., Carpenter, B., and
E. Klein, "Local Network Protection for IPv6", RFC 4864,
May 2007.
[RFC4960] Stewart, R., "Stream Control Transmission Protocol",
RFC 4960, September 2007.
[RFC5214] Templin, F., Gleeson, T., and D. Thaler, "Intra-Site
Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)", RFC 5214,
March 2008.
[Shim6] Nordmark, E. and M. Bagnulo, "Shim6: Level 3 Multihoming
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
Shim Protocol for IPv6 - Work in progress
(draft-ietf-shim6-failure-detection-09)", October 2007.
Carpenter, B., Atkinson, R., and H. Flinck, "Renumbering
still needs work - Work in progress", December 2008.
[shim6 fail detec]
Arkko, J. and I. van Beijnum, "Failure Detection and
Locator Pair Exploration Protocol for IPv6 Multihoming -
Work in progress (draft-ietf-shim6-failure-detection-09)",
July 2007.
Author's Address
Remi Despres
3 rue du President Wilson
Email: remi.despres@free.fr
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Internet-Draft Stateless Address Mapping (SAM) November 2008
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- Re: [Softwires] [BEHAVE] FYI: draft-despres-sam-0… Rémi Després
- [Softwires] FYI: draft-despres-sam-02 enclosed Rémi Després
- Re: [Softwires] [BEHAVE] FYI: draft-despres-sam-0… Margaret Wasserman
- Re: [Softwires] [BEHAVE] FYI: draft-despres-sam-0… Dan Wing