[Softwires] updating RFC8026 with draft-ietf-v6ops-transition-ipv4aas

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.palet@consulintel.es> Wed, 13 June 2018 16:46 UTC

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From: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.palet@consulintel.es>
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Hi all,

I'm sending this to Sotfwires and DHC WGs, in order to let know and seek review, but please keep the discussion only in v6ops which is responsible of this document


Here is the short summary of the reasons for the update.

In order to prioritize the different IPv4-as-a-Service (in IPv6-only networks) transition mechanisms (so the ISP can "agree" with each CPE which one to use or even if none), we are using RFC8026 (in short "a DHCPv6-Based Prioritization Mechanism for IPv4-in-IPv6 CPEs"), which was developed in softwires, but it is a DHCPv6 based mechanism.

The interesting issue is that because 464XLAT don't have an option code in RFC8026, it can't be ranked the same way, and ideally it should be, as we use also that in order to facilitate the operator to "manage" each transition mechanism status to be on/off (even to different customers).

So, what we do with this update, is adding that option code for 464XLAT to the existing ones and instruct IANA about that.

If you want to understand the suggested updated and how our algorithm works, you can read directly section 3.3, 7 and 10. Of course, inputs on the complete document are welcome!






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