[lamps] Milestones changed for lamps WG

IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat-reply@ietf.org> Wed, 23 May 2018 02:39 UTC

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Changed milestone "Adopt a draft for rfc6844bis", resolved as "Done".

Changed milestone "Adopt a PKIX draft for SHAKE128/256 and SHAKE256/512",
resolved as "Done".

Changed milestone "Adopt a S/MIME draft for SHAKE128/256 and SHAKE256/512",
resolved as "Done".

Added milestone "Adopt a draft for short-lived certificate conventions", due
June 2018.

Added milestone "Adopt a draft for the CMS with PSK", due June 2018.

Added milestone "Adopt a draft for hash-based signatures with the CMS", due
June 2018.

Added milestone "Adopt a draft for root key rollover certificate extension",
due June 2018.

Changed milestone "rfc6844bis sent to IESG for standards track publication",
set due date to July 2018 from April 2018.

Added milestone "Root key rollover certificate extension sent to IESG for
informational publication", due August 2018.

Added milestone "Short-lived certificate conventions sent to IESG for BCP
publication", due October 2018.

Added milestone "The CMS with PSK sent to IESG for standards track
publication", due October 2018.

Added milestone "Hash-based signatures with the CMS sent to IESG for
standards track publication", due December 2018.

URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lamps/about/