Re: [spring] WG Adoption call -draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-requirement -draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis

程伟强 <> Sat, 25 September 2021 14:03 UTC

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Hi Chairs,

Thanks a lot.

It is really good that working group can take the ownership of the two drafts.

The members of the design team are the co-authors of the both drafts. We will republish the drafts and address the comments soon.

Best Regards,


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发送时间:2021-09-25 00:22:55

主题:Re: [spring] WG Adoption call -draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-requirement -draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis
Thanks for the review and feedback.


There is a large support to adopt those two drafts.


Authors, please republish the two drafts as draft-ietf-spring-compression-requirement/analysis.

And then address the comment as per WG discussions.



--Jim, Bruno & Joel



From: spring [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 3:13 PM To: Subject: [spring] WG Adoption call - draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-requirement - draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis


Dear WG,



The Design Team has produced two documents:

- A requirement document: draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-requirement 

- A solution analysis document: draft-srcompdt-spring-compression-analysis


Both have been presented to the WG and triggered some discussions but are still individual documents.

We believe it's now time for the WG to consider taking ownership of those two documents.

Note that, especially for those two documents, WG adoption does not necessarily mean RFC publication in particular if it turns out that the benefit of long term archive would not justify the WG and IESG effort to finalize those two documents.



This message starts a 2 week WG adoption call, ending September  20th 2021, for:



After review of the document(s) please indicate support (or not) for WG adoption of the document(s) to the mailing list.

Please also provide comments/reasons for your support (or lack thereof) as this is a stronger way to indicate your (non) support as this is not a vote.


If you are willing to work on the document(s), please state this explicitly. This gives the chairs an indication of the energy level of people in the working group willing to work on the document. 




Jim, Bruno & Joel


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