Re: [spring] Segment Routing in Two Dimensional IP Routing

Bo Wang <> Fri, 15 July 2022 08:11 UTC

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Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:11:32 +0800
From: Bo Wang <>
To: Robert Raszuk <>
Cc: "" <>, Mingwei Xu <>
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Subject: Re: [spring] Segment Routing in Two Dimensional IP Routing
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Dear Robert,

Thanks for your questions. Our responses are as follows.

Q1. How do you envision remote endpoints would know the src IP information ? 
A1: The src IP information is configured.

Q2. How can flooded or p2mp distributed information containing src addresses of the packets valid in many ingress sites ? Please observe that each ingress site would be very likely using a different src address(es). 
A2: Our defined TwoD-IP configuration TLV carries a list of source IP addresses, so it can handle the scenarios with multiple different source addresses.

Q3. How can you say that "This memo asks the IANA for no new parameters." if you are defining new TLVs ?
A3: Thanks for your professional comments. Yes, some newly designed TwoD-IP routing protocols may need new protocol numbers assigned by IANA. Our draft will revise this point.

We're looking forward to your further reply.

Bo Wang
On 07/14/2022 17:05Robert Raszuk<> wrote:
Hi Bo,

Few questions ... 

1. How do you envision remote endpoints would know the src IP information ? 

2. How can flooded or p2mp distributed information containing src addresses of the packets valid in many ingress sites ? Please observe that each ingress site would be very likely using a different src address(es). 

3. How can you say that  "This memo asks the IANA for no new parameters." if you are defining new TLVs ? 


On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 4:39 AM 王博 <> wrote:

We have submitted a draft “Segment Routing in Two Dimensional IP Routing” to SPRING WG. We are looking for your feedback and comments.

URL:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

This draft describes an extension of SR to support TwoD-IP routing (i.e., src-dst routing) which makes forwarding decisions based on both source and destination IP addresses.

We have implemented a src-dst routing prototype based on segment routing and deployed it over CERNET (China Education and Research Network).

Bo Wang

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