[spring] Fwd: Full list of volunteers so far

Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Fri, 15 July 2022 22:08 UTC

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If you are  eligible (or even think you might be, they can sort it out) 
please volunteer for the nomcom.  The IETF is better if a wider range of 
folks help select the leadership.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Full list of volunteers so far
Date: 	Fri, 15 Jul 2022 10:52:34 -0700
From: 	NomCom Chair 2022 <nomcom-chair-2022@ietf.org>
Reply-To: 	nomcom-chair-2022@ietf.org
To: 	IETF Announcement List <ietf-announce@ietf.org>
CC: 	ietf@ietf.org

With help from Robert Sparks of the tools team, and Ryan Cross of AMS, 
here is the full list of people who have volunteered to be on NomCom. 
This is both those who signed up via the link [1] and those who checked 
the box when they registered for the upcoming meeting.

There are 284 volunteers, and FYI all but six qualified under at least 
the "path 1" option. I am posting the interim list because multiple 
people suggested it might give others incentive to volunteer. The final 
call will be issued next week, and closes next Friday. Early next week I 
will announce the random seeds. Choices will be made during IETF week, 
and the challenge period will then begin.

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/volunteer

Plain Name,Affiliation,Qualifications
Aaron Ding,TU Delft,1
Aaron Falk,Akamai Technologies,1+2
Adam W. Montville,Center for Internet Security,1
Adnan Rashid,University of Florence,1
Afzal Ali S,Hrblock,1
Ahmed Abdelsalam,Cisco,1
Aihua Liu,Shenzhen Zhongxing Software Company Limited,1
Aijun Wang,China Telecom,1+3
Akira Tsukamoto,AIST (The National Institute of Advanced Industrial 
Science and Technology Japan),1
Alexander Clemm,Futurewei,1+3
Alissa Cooper,Cisco,1
Allison Mankin,Salesforce,1+2+3
Ameya Deshpande,NITK Surathkal,1
Andrew Campling,419 Consulting Ltd,1
Ani Arya,,1
Annajiat_Alim Rasel,Brac University,1
Anthony Nadalin,Pacific Northwest University,3
Anuj Budhiraja,Cisco,1
Ari Keranen,Ericsson,1+2+3
Barry Leiba,Futurewei Technologies,1+2+3
Behcet Sarikaya,None,1+3
Benjamin Kaduk,Akamai Technologies,1+2
Benjamin M. Schwartz,Google / Jigsaw,1+2
Benno Overeinder,NLnet Labs,1+2
Bernard Aboba,Microsoft Corporation,1+2
Bill Woodcock,Packet Clearing House,1
Bingyang Liu,Huawei,1
Bo Wu,Huawei Technologies,1
Bob Briscoe,Independent (bobbriscoe.net Ltd),1
Brian Rosen,,1+2+3
Bron Gondwana,Fastmail,1+2+3
Bruno Teixeira,,1
Cedric Westphal,Futurewei USA,1
Charles Eckel,Cisco,1+2
Cheng Li,Huawei,1+3
Chi-Yuan Chen,National Ilan University,1
Ching-Heng Ku,Taiwan Network Information Center,1
Chonggang Wang,InterDigital,1
Chris Box,BT,1+2
Chris Lemmons,Comcast,1
Christian Hopps,"LabN Consulting, LLC",1+2+3
Christian Huitema,Private Octopus Inc.,1+3
Christopher Inacio,Carnegie Mellon,1
Colin Whorlow,NCSC,1
Corinna Schmitt,"Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, RI CODE",1
Daniel Havey,Microsoft,1
Daniel Huang,Nanjing Zhongxing Software Company Limited,1
Daniel King,Lancaster University,1+3
Daniel Migault,Ericsson,1+2+3
Daniele Ceccarelli,Ericsson AB,1+2+3
Darren Dukes,Cisco Systems,1
David Guzman,Technische Universitaet Muenchen,1
David Lake,DELL Technologies,1
David Sinicrope,Ericsson,1+2
Dawei Fan,Huawei,1
Dean Bogdanovic,"Alef Edge, Inc.",1+3
Dhruv Dhody,Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.,1+2+3
Dieter Beller,Nokia,1
Dimitris Maroulidis,Technical University of Crete,1
Donald E. Eastlake 3rd,Futurewei Technologies,1+2+3
Eberhard Lisse,Namibian Network Information Center (Pty) Ltd,1
Ehsan Rezaaifar,Nokia,1
Eliot Lear,Cisco,1+3
Emiliano Spinella,Syndeno,1
Eric Brunner-Williams,none,1
Eric Rescorla,Mozilla,1+3
Fan Yang,Huawei Technologies,1
Fanghong Duan,Huawei,1
Fernando Gont,SI6 Networks,3
Francois Clad,Cisco Systems,1
Frank Anati,Ghana Health Service,1
Fred Baker,ISC,1+2+3
Gabriel Montenegro,Samsung Research America (consultant),1
Geoff Huston,APN IC,1+3
George G. Michaelson,APNIC P/L,1+3
Georgios Karagiannis,Huawei,1
Giuseppe Fioccola,Huawei Technologies,1+3
Goeran Selander,Ericsson,1+3
Gonzalo Salgueiro,Cisco,1+2+3
Greg Mirsky,Ericsson,1+3
Greg Shepherd,,1+2
Guangpeng Li,Huawei,1
Haibo Wang,Huawei,1
Haiyang Su,"Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd",1
Hannes Tschofenig,Arm Limited,1+2+3
Hannu Flinck,Nokia,1
Haomian Zheng,"Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.",1+3
Haoyu Song,Futurewei Technologies,1
Henk Birkholz,Fraunhofer SIT,1+2+3
Herman Ramos,Inaglobe,1
Hooman Bidgoli,Nokia,1
Huaimo Chen,Futurewei,1+3
Ian Swett,Google,1+2
Ignas Bagdonas,Equinix,1
Ines Robles,,1+2
Italo Busi,Huawei,1
Jaehoon Paul Jeong,Sungkyunkwan University,1+3
Jaime Jimenez,Ericsson,1+2
James Cumming,Nokia,1
James Gruessing,Nederlandse Publiek Omroep,1+2
Jason Sterne,Nokia,1
Jeff Tantsura,Microsoft,1+2+3
Jeffrey Haas,Juniper Networks,1+2+3
Jeffrey Yasskin,Google Chrome,1
Jenny Bui,AMSL,1
Jianfei(Jeffrey) HE,City University of Hong Kong,1
Jie Dong,Huawei Technologies,1+2+3
Jim Guichard,,1+2
Jim Reid,,1
Jingrong Xie,Huawei,1
Joel Jaeggli,fastly,1+2
Joey Salazar,n/a,1+2
John Drake,Juniper Networks,1+3
John Preuss Mattsson,Ericsson,1+3
Jon Hudson,Desnet Industries & Spaced Out Radio,1
Jordan Head,Juniper Networks,1
Jorge Rabadan,Nokia,1+3
Julien Maisonneuve,Nokia,1
katerega micheal,nehemiah stem research,1
Ketan Talaulikar,Arrcus Inc,1+3
Keyur Patel,"Arrcus, Inc.",1+2+3
Kiran Makhijani,Futurewei,1+2
Kireeti Kompella,Juniper Networks,1+3
Kirsty Paine,UK NCSC,1+2
Koen De Schepper,Nokia,1
Kris Shrishak,ICCL,1
Kyle Rose,Akamai Technologies,1+2
Larry Masinter,Interlisp.org,1
Laurent Ciavaglia,"Rakuten Mobile, Inc.",1+3
Lim May-Ann,,1
Lin Han,Futurewei Technologies Inc.,1
Linda Dunbar,Futurewei,1+2+3
Liu Yao,ZTE,1
Lixia Zhang,UCLA,1
Lou Berger,"LabN Consulting, L.L.C.",1+2+3
Luc Andre Burdet,Cisco,1
Luigi Iannone,Huawei Technologies France S.A.S.U.,1+2
Mach Chen,"Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.",1+2+3
Magnus Westerlund,Ericsson,1+3
Mankamana Prasad Mishra,Cisco system,1+2+3
Marc Petit-Huguenin,Impedance Mismatch LLC,1+3
Marie-Jose Montpetit,Concordia University,1
Marisol Palmero,Cisco Systems,1
Mark McFadden,internet policy advisors ltd uk,1+2
Mark Nottingham,Fastly,1+2+3
Martin Thomson,Mozilla,1+2+3
Mary Barnes,"Neustar, Inc., a Transunion company",1+2
Matthew Bocci,Nokia,1+2+3
Matthew Quick,Verisign,1
Max Franke,TU Berlin,1
Melchior Aelmans,Juniper Networks,1
Michael J. Jenkins,NSA,1+3
Michael Richardson,Sandelman Software Works Corporation,1+2+3
Michael StJohns,NthPermutation,1
Michael zhou,huawei,1
Mike Bishop,Akamai Technologies,1+3
Mike Boyle,NSA Center for Cybersecurity Standards,1
Mike Jones,Microsoft,1+2
Miya Kohno,Cisco Systems,1
Mohammed Noorulla Khan,Cisco,1
Mohit P. Tahiliani,"National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal",1
Nabil Benamar,UMI,1
Nagendra Kumar Nainar,Cisco,1+3
Nai-Wei Lo,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,1
Nathalie Trenaman,RIPE NCC,1+2
Nicklas Pousette,The Swedish Internet Foundation,1
Ole Troan,cisco,1+2+3
Oscar Gonzalez de Dios,Telefonica I+D,1+2+3
Oshani Erunika Dayaratna,University of Peradeniya,1
Pablo Camarillo,Cisco Systems,1
Padma Pillay-Esnault,Amazon,1+2+3
Paolo Volpato,Huawei,1
Pascal Thubert,Cisco Systems,1+2+3
Patrice Brissette,Cisco,1
Patrick McManus,Fastly,1+2+3
Pete Resnick,Episteme Technology Consulting LLC,1+2
Peter E. Yee,AKAYLA,1
Peter Koch,DENIC eG,1
Peter Thomassen,deSEC e.V.,1
Philipp S. Tiesel,SAP SE,1
Phillip Hallam-Baker,Threshold Secrets LLC,1
Prachi Jain,Fastly,1
Qiangzhou Gao,Huawei,1
Qiufang Ma,Huawei,1
Quan Xiong,Wuhan Zhongxing Software Company Limited,1
Rajesh Gangam,Self,1
Rakesh Gandhi,Cisco Systems,1+3
Ran Chen,Nanjing Zhongxingxin Software Co.Ltd,1
Randy Bush,Arrcus & IIJ Research,1+3
Rayhaan Jaufeerally,Google,1
Reese Enghardt,Netflix,1+2
Reshad Rahman,Graphiant,1+2+3
Richard Barnes,Cisco,1+2+3
Richard Li,"Futurewei Technologies, Inc.",1
Robert M. Hinden,Check Point Software,1+2+3
Robert Raszuk,,1+3
Ron Bonica,Juniper Networks,1+2+3
Ronald in 't Velt,TNO,1+2
Ruixue Wang,China Moblie,1
Russ Housley,"Vigil Security, LLC",1+2+3
Sam Aldrin,"Google, Inc.",2+3
Samuel Weiler,W3C / MIT,1+2+3
Sanjay Mishra,Verizon,1+2
Sanjeev Gupta,DCS1,1
Sarah Banks,"Corelight, Inc",1+2+3
Scott Mansfield,Ericsson,1
Sean Donelan,Verisign,1
Sergey Fomin,Nokia,1
Sergio Belotti,NOKIA,1
Seyed Mahdi Darroudi,Universitat Polit<C3><A8>cnica de Catalunya,1
Shivam Sharma,,1
Shuai Zhao,Tencent America,1
Shumon Huque,Salesforce,1+3
Shunwan Zhuang,Huawei,1+3
Shuping Peng,Huawei,1+2
Simon Hicks,DCMS,1
Siyu Tang,,1
Spencer Dawkins,Tencent America LLC,1+2+3
Sri Gundavelli,Cisco,1+2+3
Srihari R. Sangli,Juniper Networks,1
Stephen Farrell,Trinity College Dublin,1+2+3
Suhas Nandakumar,cisco,1+2+3
Suresh Krishnan,Kaloom,1+2+3
Susan Hares,Huawei,1+2+3
Suzanne Woolf,Public Interest Registry (.ORG),1+2
Tal Mizrahi,Huawei,1+2+3
Tarek Saad,Juniper Networks,1+2+3
Ted Lemon,Apple,1+3
Thomas Fossati,Arm,1+3
Tim Wicinski,,1+2+3
Timothy Winters,QA Cafe,1+2+3
Tirumaleswar Reddy.K,,1+2+3
Toerless T. Eckert,Futurewei USA,1+2+3
Tom Harrison,APNIC,1
Tong Zhu,Huawei,1
Tony Li,Juniper Networks,1
Tony Przygienda,Juniper,1+2+3
Udeep Baral,CAN Federation Nepal,1
Ulrich Wisser,.SE,1
Uma Chunduri,Intel Corporation,1+3
Umberto Fattore,NEC / UC3M,1
Valery Smyslov,ELVIS-PLUS,1+2+3
Varun Singh,Daily.co,3
Vengada Prasad Govindan,Cisco Systems India Pvt Ltd,3
Victor Kuarsingh,Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,1
Victor Pascual,Nokia,3
Victor Vasiliev,Google,1
Vishnu Pavan Beeram,Juniper Networks,1+2+3
Vittorio Bertola,Open-Xchange,1
Waqar Ahmad,,1
Wassim Haddad,Ericsson,1+2
Wei Pan,Huawei,1
Weiqiang Cheng,China mobile,1+3
Wen Lin,Juniper Networks Inc,1+3
William J. Tolley,Breakpointing Bad/Arizona State University,1
Xiangfeng Ding,HW,1
Xiao Min,ZTE Corporation,1
XiPeng Xiao,Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf,1+2
Xuesong Geng,Huawei,1
Xueyan Song,ZTE,1
Xueyuan Sun,China Telecom,1
Y. Richard Yang,Yale University,1+3
Yan Zhuang,Huawei,1+3
Yaron Sheffer,Intuit,1+2+3
Yingzhen Qu,Futurewei Technologies,1+2+3
Yisong Liu,China Mobile,1+3
Yiu Lee,Comcast,1
Yizhou Li,Huawei,1+2+3
Yoav Nir,Dell Technologies,1+2+3
Yue Wang,China Telecom,1
Yuefeng Qiu,HUAWEI,1
Yuehua Wei,ZTE Corporation,1
Zafar Ali,Cisco Systems,1+3
Zaid AlBanna,Verisign,1
Zhaohui (Jeffrey) Zhang,Juniper Networks,1+2+3
Zhe Lou,Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH,1
Zheng Zhang,ZTE,1+2
Zhibo Hu,Huawei,1