[stir] Fwd: NomCom 2023 Call for Volunteers
Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> Wed, 07 June 2023 14:20 UTC
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Please consider volunteering for NomCom. It is very important to the IETF to have good people on the NomCom. Thanks for considering it. Russ > From: NomCom Chair 2023 <nomcom-chair-2023@ietf.org <mailto:nomcom-chair-2023@ietf.org>> > Subject: NomCom 2023 Call for Volunteers > Date: June 5, 2023 at 19:50:08 EDT > To: "IETF Announcement List" <ietf-announce@ietf.org <mailto:ietf-announce@ietf.org>> > Reply-To: nomcom-chair-2023@ietf.org <mailto:nomcom-chair-2023@ietf.org> > > The IETF Nominating Committee (NomCom) appoints people to fill the open slots on the IETF LLC, IETF Trust, the IAB, and the IESG. Ten voting members for the NomCom are selected from a pool of volunteers. A large pool of volunteers helps make the process work better. > > CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER: https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/volunteer <https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/volunteer> > > NomCom activity is expected to start in July and run through to November. The goal is to do the bulk of the work at IETF 117 and 118, with supplemental conference calls between those times. Remote participation will be supported. > > The NomCom activities involve collecting requirements from the community, reviewing candidate responses, reviewing feedback from community members about candidates, interviewing candidates, and nominating a slate of candidates. > > RFC 8713 details the NomCom process. With the recent publication of RFC 9389, this is the first year of new qualification criteria, after a few years of trials. People qualify for NomCom participation in one of three ways: attendance at IETF meetings (online or virtual), service as a working group chair or secretary, or publication of IETF RFCs. > > https://datatracker.ietf.org/accounts/profile/ <https://datatracker.ietf.org/accounts/profile/> lists your eligibility, but you can still volunteer even if that says "No". You can also volunteer by sending me an email. > > Within the next week or two, I will add more details on the timeline and the selection process. > > Thank you! > Martin Thomson > nomcom-chair-2023@ietf.org <mailto:nomcom-chair-2023@ietf.org> >
- [stir] Fwd: NomCom 2023 Call for Volunteers Russ Housley