Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02
David Brown <> Fri, 13 July 2018 16:39 UTC
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Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 10:39:41 -0600
From: David Brown <>
To: Brendan Moran <>
Cc: suit <>, Hannes Tschofenig <>
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Subject: Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02
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On Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 09:08:02PM +0000, Brendan Moran wrote: >This draft is a significant departure from previous drafts, so I think it is >important to highlight the changes. The draft requires a lot of text that >hasn’t been written yet, so I will try to put some of that here for discussion. > >[1] In this email, I wanted to enumerate the parts of the current manifest draft that are either unclear to me (possibly just needing more explanation) and/or should be reworked. 1. Signature contents. A few things need to be spelled out about the COSE_Mac and COSE_Sign blocks: - The payload should be a "Manifest". - What is the content type used for this. Presumably, we will register one for a SUIT manifest, when the RFC is finalized, but it does need to be stated. Just stating it is CBOR could also work, but then a processor would have to look into the payload to determine if it is a manifest. - Is the CBOR for the manifest tagged? If so, we should register a tag for our manifest format. 2. DigestInfo We need to define the values for digestAlgorithm, and what is contained in digestParameters. Are these related to the values defined in COSE, or at least do they come from the same number space? 3. Encoding of ProcessingStep, Pre and Post conditions. Using different arrays with the first element of the array is a number indicating the meaning of the remainder of the array is different than how I've seen other data represented in CBOR. I'm presuming that this is so that order can preserved, where as a map would require a specific order for a canonical encoding. I don't know the ramifications of this on processing code. It is certainly legal from CBOR's point of view. Other possibilities would be to have the fields be an array of pairs, similar to how a map would be encoded, but described as an array so that order could be preserved. I don't know if this can be represented in CDDL. It could also be an array of maps. The grouping simply used to allow ordering to be enforced when that is needed. 4. The Directive encoding The CDDL grammar allows the "=>" to be used inside of an array (so this parses), but there are no example or explanation of what this would mean. Do we intend for the Directive to be a map, or are we hoping to have something of an ordered map, similar to what I described above as an array of pairs. 5. Use of numbers. We have numerous fields that make use of small integers. Is the intent that these be fixed, and any additional values only be allowed in the 'extensions' field? 6. Extensions. The extensions are described as maps. Do we envision a case where ordering needs to be preserved in extensions? In addition, do we need to have something similar to the criticality header in COSE where a manifest can say certain extensions are mandatory, and that an actor that doesn't understand that extension should reject the manifest? Thanks, David
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 Rønningstad
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 David Brown
- [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 Brendan Moran
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 Kvamtrø
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 David Brown
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 David Brown
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 David Brown
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 Kvamtrø
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 David Brown
- Re: [Suit] [suit]: draft-moran-suit-manifest-02 David Brown