[tcpinc] We need MTI symmetric algorithms too!
Daniel B Giffin <dbg@scs.stanford.edu> Tue, 24 October 2017 18:08 UTC
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 11:08:18 -0700
From: Daniel B Giffin <dbg@scs.stanford.edu>
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Subject: [tcpinc] We need MTI symmetric algorithms too!
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Somehow we overlooked this: the tcpcrypt document does not currently mandate that implementations support any particular symmetric (AEAD) algorithms. We need to make something mandatory-to-implement, of course, in order to ensure that compliant implementations can talk to each other. We propose this disposition for the three algorithms currently specified for tcpcrypt: MUST: AES128-GCM SHOULD: AES256-GCM SHOULD: CHACHA20_POLY1305 This is the arrangement TLS 1.3 uses as well. Please comment as soon as possible if you have any concerns with this approach. Thanks, daniel
- [tcpinc] We need MTI symmetric algorithms too! Daniel B Giffin
- Re: [tcpinc] We need MTI symmetric algorithms too! Black, David