[tcpm] rev 05 of 2581bis
Mark Allman <mallman@icir.org> Tue, 21 April 2009 12:46 UTC
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Folks- At long last we have submitted a revision of the 2581bis I-D. It needs manual intervention from the secratariet. So, it'll be a bit before it shows up in the usual places. But, until then it is at: http://www.icir.org/mallman/papers/draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc2581bis-05.txt We believe that at this point all the comments made during the WGLC have been addressed (which is different from being incorporated as we have previously distilled on the list). Please do let us know if there are further things we need to take care of. allman
- [tcpm] rev 05 of 2581bis Mark Allman