[tcpm] new version (06) of early retransmit

Mark Allman <mallman@icir.org> Wed, 06 February 2008 17:21 UTC

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Subject: [tcpm] new version (06) of early retransmit
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We have just submitted a new version of the Early Retransmit I-D.  We
presented this in Chicago and the WG seemed to be in agreement to take
this on as a WG item.  We did not release this version as a WG version
because I don't think we ever verified this decision on the list
(although, I might mis-remember this because I obvious have no chair
duties for this draft).  

We generally cleaned things up in this version.  The big addition is a
packet-based version of ER for implementations that want more precision
and are willing to hold a little state about packet boundaries on the
right side of the window.

We welcome comments!


The draft should be in the usual places soon and is already here:

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