[TLS] TLS extension for Proxies to transfer original Server certificate

"Babu.N" <babun@intoto.com> Tue, 28 August 2007 05:46 UTC

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I have submitted a draft on "
TLS extension for Proxies to transfer Server certificate

Intercepting transparent proxies splice the client-Server connection 
into two connections: Client-Proxy connection, Proxy-server 
connection. On Client-Proxy connection, proxy sends it's certificate 
to the client. As client is generally (in such a scenario) 
pre-configured to accept proxy's certificate, client accepts and 
proceeds further with the connection. On Proxy-Server connection, 
server sends its certificate to the proxy. Proxy typically doesn't 
possess the information (like MX domain name in case of SMTP) 
required to validate the certificate. The certificate validation is 
at times very complex & hence it is better to offload this 
responsibility to the original client itself.

This document addresses this issue by extending TLS to let proxy send 
server's certificate to the client for validation and suggests how 
client can indicate certificate validation result to the proxy. Based 
on the client's decision, proxy can determine whether to 
proceed/terminate the connection.

Like to hear feedback on this.


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