[TLS] registering x-509 mime types

"henry.story@bblfish.net" <henry.story@bblfish.net> Wed, 02 April 2014 06:31 UTC

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  The HTML5 keygen element [1] works by having the browser send a public key to the
server which can then return an X509 certificate back to the browser using one of the
following mime types [2]

    (a) application/x-x509-user-cert 
    (b) application/x-x509-ca-cert 
    (c) application/x-x509-email-cert

This seems to work for most browsers - Safari, Chrome, Nescape, Opera - and has
been functioning like this since at least the year 2000 I think. The keygen tag
was only added to html officially a few years ago.

  What is missing though is that these mime types are not registered at IANA.
Is there anyone here ( or perhaps I should look somewhere else ) who would like
to register that at IANA? It would at least make it easier for developers building
web sites to work out what the correct mime type to use is.

  Perhaps one could also then get the html5 people to add a note about this
to their specification.  



[1] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/CR/forms.html#the-keygen-element
[2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:Certificate_Download_Specification
[3] http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml

Social Web Architect