[TLS] The future devices that will break TLS 1.4

Hanno Böck <hanno@hboeck.de> Fri, 12 January 2018 23:02 UTC

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This working group just went through a painful process of realizing
that deploying a new TLS version on the Internet is a hard task due to
broken devices. If you're not aware David Benjamin just gave a great
talk summarizing the issues:

Today I found this article:

tl;dr Cisco now says they can identify malware in TLS traffic by
carefully looking at it.
(For context: devices from Cisco were responsible for many of the
issues that made deploying TLS 1.3 hard, e.g. version intolerance on
load balancers and recently by not correctly terminating TLS in a

I'll dare to have a look into the future and make this imho very
plausible claim:
Cisco won't be the only vendor selling such things. We will see more
products that magically can identify "bad things" in TLS traffic by
applying everything from AI to Blockchain.
We will almost certainly see a whole new generation of devices doing
weirdness with TLS and who will drop or manipulate packages that contain
things they don't know (like... a version negotiation field with TLS
1.4 or a large post quantum key exchange message).

The question I want to ask: What can we do *now* to stop this from
happening when TLS 1.4 will be deployed? I have the feeling GREASE
won't be enough...

Hanno Böck

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