[TLS] Preliminary data on Firefox TLS 1.3 Middlebox experiment

Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com> Tue, 05 December 2017 21:36 UTC

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From: Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2017 13:35:42 -0800
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Hi folks,

I now have some preliminary numbers to share with the group based on
our Firefox experiments. The executive summary is that our data
confirms Google's results. More detail below.

This is a forced experiment in which each client tries all the
variants. The experiment is deployed via a system add-on (a remotely
deployable, centrally managed piece of JavaScript code), and then
takes measurements by trying to do an XHR to a given URL
(https://mail.google.com/robots.txt) with a specific set of flags. We
do the following three measurements:

- TLS 1.2
- TLS 1.3 draft-18
- TLS 1.3 draft-18 with (approximately) PR#1092 ("7e02")

We take five trials for each measurement, randomly shuffling the
measurement order and then repeating the shuffled pattern five
times. Each trial is done with a different connection and we declare
"success" when any of the five trials succeeds.

This experiment was run on a 2% sample of the Firefox Beta population
who have locale set to en-US, which we selected because of very
high GMail blocking rates in some locales, which is a potential
confounding factor. The experimen started 11/27 and has been running
through today.

This gave us an initial population of 161578, of whom 160809 (99.5%
completed the experiment and reported results). This produced the
following results:

                     Success      Failure      Fail Rate
TLS 1.2               158260         2549          .0158
TLS 1.3-18            158194         4743          .0291
TLS 1.3-Experiment    158194         2615          .0163

For the statistics minded, the difference between -18 and 1.2 is
significant at p < .001 and the 95% confidence interval of the failure
rate difference is .0122-.0143 (using R's prop.test). There is no
significant difference between 1.2 and 1.3-experiment (p = .36).

We've got a -22 experiment in flight now, but it will only be on
Nightly, so this is probably the strongest data we will have for
a while.


The relevant NSS version:
Experimental code:
iPython Notebook with analysis: