[TLS] draft-ietf-tls-dtls13-42 responses to feedback
Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com> Thu, 22 April 2021 17:32 UTC
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Subject: [TLS] draft-ietf-tls-dtls13-42 responses to feedback
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I have posted draft-ietf-tls-dtls13-42, addressing the IESG Feedback. Thanks to everyone who provided reviews. Here is a description how I handled comments. If there is somebody whose feedback I missed please let me know. -Ekr **** Erik Kline > [ section 4.4 ] > > * "respectively" -> "respectively." > > * Could a DTLS implementation packetize to a min-MTU for an IP version > and avoid all pMTU issues? Such a strategy would probably be poor for > IPv4 but might be acceptable for IPv6 communications. Maybe, but I think we probably don't need to say much. > [ section 4.5.3 ] > > * "MUST NOT used" -> "MUST NOT be used" Fixed. > [ section 5.8.4 ] > > * "NOT have send" -> "NOT send", I think Fixed. > [ section 6 ] > > * "which are needed to encrypt to decrypt"? Fixed. **** Francesca Palombini > section 2. Conventions and Terminology > > FP: Please spell out that network byte order (most significant byte first) is used throughout the document. Done. > > Once the client has transmitted the ClientHello message, it expects > to see a HelloRetryRequest or a ServerHello from the server. > However, if the server's message is lost, the client knows that > either the ClientHello or the response from the server has been lost > and retransmits. When the server receives the retransmission, it > knows to retransmit. > > FP: It would be good to mention retransmission max times here. DTLS actually doesn't have an overall timeout. This is left to the discretion of the implementation. It does have a maxmimum backoff, butbackoff isn't mentioned at all. > | | /+----------------+\ > | 31 < OCT < 64 -+--> |DTLS Ciphertext | > | | |(header bits | > | else | | start with 001)| > | | | /+-------+--------+\ > > The value for the "DTLS-OK" column is "Y". IANA is requested to > reserve the content type range 32-63 so that content types in this > range are not allocated. > > FP: IANA is asked to reserve 32-63, but I could not see any explanation for that. I would like to see it justified in section 4.1 or in the respective IANA section. Done. > > > fragmentation, clients of the DTLS record layer SHOULD attempt to > size records so that they fit within any PMTU estimates obtained from > the record layer. > > FP: First time PMTU appears, please expand and add reference. Done. > performing PMTU discovery, whether via [RFC1191] or [RFC4821] > mechanisms. In particular: > > FP: I think this is missing areference to RFC 8201 since IPv6 is mentioned below. Done. > Any TLS cipher suite that is specified for use with DTLS MUST define > limits on the use of the associated AEAD function that preserves > margins for both confidentiality and integrity. That is, limits MUST > be specified for the number of packets that can be authenticated and > for the number of packets that can fail authentication before a key > update is required. Providing a reference to any analysis upon which > values are based - and any assumptions used in that analysis - allows > limits to be adapted to varying usage conditions. > > FP: This seems important enough that it should be highlighted for the experts reviewing the registration. I see that https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-4 has a number of notes, maybe that would be enough, or maybe add it (as an update?) to RFC 8447? Done. > zero > length vector (i.e., a single zero byte length field). > > FP: I suggest using TLS 1.3 terminology of "zero-length vector (i.e., a zero-valued single byte length field)" Done. > flow shown in Figure 11 if the client does not send the ACK message > > FP: s/11/12 Done. ***** Martin Duke > COMMENTS: > Sec 2. It might be useful to introduce the term "epoch" in the glossary, for those who read this front to back. Done. > Sec 4.2.3: "The encrypted sequence number is computed by XORing the leading bytes of the Mask with the sequence number. Decryption is accomplished by the same process." > > The text is unclear if the XOR is applied to the expanded sequence number or merely the 1-2 octets on the wire. I presume it's the latter, but this should be clarified. Fixed. > Sec 4.2.3: It's implied here that the sn_key rotates with the epoch. As this is different from QUIC, it's probably worth spelling out. Fixed. > Sec 5.1 is a bit vague about the amplification limit; why not at least RECOMMEND 3, as we've converged on this elsewhere? Added. > Sec 5.1. Reading between the lines, it's clear that the cookie can't be used as address verification across connections in the way that a NEW_TOKEN token is. It would be good to spell this out for clients -- use the resumption token or whatever instead. Added some text. > Sec 7.2 "As noted above, the receipt of any record responding to a given flight MUST be taken as an implicit acknowledgement for the entire flight." I think this should be s/entire flight/entire previous flight? Added some text. > Sec 7.2 "Upon receipt of an ACK that leaves it with only some messages from a flight having been acknowledged an implementation SHOULD retransmit the unacknowledged messages or fragments." > > This language appears inconsistent with Figure 12, where Record 1 has not been acknowledged but is also not retransmitted. It appears there is an implied handling of empty ACKs that isn't written down anywhere in Sec 7.2 This is just a bug in the diagram. Good catch. Fixed. > Sec 9. Should there be any flow control limits on new_connection_id? Or should receivers be free to simply drop CIDs they can't handle? It might be good to specify. Added some text. > Finally, a really weird one. Reading this document and references to connection ID prompted to me to think how QUIC-LB could apply to DTLS. The result is here: https://github.com/quicwg/load-balancers/pull/106/files. Please note the rather unfortunate third-to-last paragraph. I'm happy to take the answer that this use case doesn't matter, since I made it up today. But if it does, it would be very helpful if (1) DTLS 1.3 clients MUST include a connection_id extension in their ClientHello, even if zero length, and/or (2) this draft updated 4.1.4 of 8446 to allow the server to include connection_id in HelloRetryRequest even if the client didn't offer it. Thoughts? Addressed. > NITS: > 5.2 s/select(HandshakeType)/select(msg_type). Though with pseudocode your mileage may vary as to what's clearer. Agreed. > 5.7 s/consitute/constitute Fixed. > Sec 5.7 In table 1, why include one ACK in the diagram but not the other? It's clear from the note, but the figure is a weird omission. I don't think I understand why we did this, so I just removed it. **** Lars Eggert Indicated minor changes made. **** Zaheduzzaman Sarker > This was very well written document. Thanks for this. > > Minor observations below- > > * Section 3.1 : > - Once the client has transmitted the ClientHello message, it expects to see a HelloRetryRequest or a ServerHello from the server. However, if the server's message is lost, the client knows that either the ClientHello or the response from the server has been lost and retransmits. > > is this supposed to mean when the timer expires the client knows either the ClientHello or the response from the server has been lost? the current text does not imply that - the server's message is lost is an interpretation of timer expired event. > Fixed. > - The server also maintains a retransmission timer and retransmits when that timer expires. > > The way it is written following the previous paragraph, almost made me feel that the server is also maintaining a timer for the client hello. It would be nicer if some text explains the usage of timers at the server to break the continuous read from previous paragraph. Fixed. > * Section 3.3: I would add a reference to section 4.4. Done. > * Section 4.5.2: I assume the silent discard of invalid records will not impact the timers, is that a valid assumption? if yes, then it would be good if this is clarified in the text. This is correct, but I don't quite see why one would think it does, as they don't even get to the point where you it would impact the timer. Anyway, added some text. > * Section 5.8.1: > > Because DTLS clients send the first message (ClientHello), they start in the PREPARING state. DTLS servers start in the WAITING state, but with empty buffers and no retransmit timer > > This is repeated twice in the section, is there any reason for that? Fixed. **** John Scudder COMMENTS: > Section 3.1: > > I found the explanatory text to be confusing. You start with a figure illustrating a lost HelloRetryRequest. Then you tell me the server maintains a rexmit timer: > > The server also maintains a retransmission timer and retransmits when > that timer expires. > > But then you immediately tell me that it actually doesn’t: > > Note that timeout and retransmission do not apply to the > HelloRetryRequest since this would require creating state on the > server. The HelloRetryRequest is designed to be small enough that it > will not itself be fragmented, thus avoiding concerns about > interleaving multiple HelloRetryRequests. > > I presume that if I added some more words to this, your intent is that the server maintains a retransmission timer *for messages other than HelloRetryRequest*. As written, it gave me some whiplash. Fixed. > Section 4.2.1: > > In general, > implementations SHOULD discard records from earlier epochs, but if > packet loss causes noticeable problems implementations MAY choose to > retain keying material from previous epochs for up to the default MSL > specified for TCP [RFC0793] to allow for packet reordering. > > It seems to me as though “if packet loss causes noticeable problems” is saying either too much, or not enough. Not enough: problems for whom? Noticeable by whom? How is this determined? Do you really mean I’m supposed to work this out dynamically as the text sort-of implies? Too much: if you’re not going to answer the foregoing, maybe don’t taunt me, and omit the clause entirely? Or, possibly a less vague rewrite could be in the nature of “if providing service to an application that is especially sensitive to packet loss”. Removed. > NITS: > > Section 2: > > “The reader is also as to be familiar” s/as/assumed/ Fixed. > Section 11: > > Although the cookie must allow the server to produce the right > handshake transcript, they > > “It” not “they” (agreement in number) Fixed. > and > > DTLS with connection IDs allow for endpoint addresses to > change during the association; > > “allows” not “allow” (agreement in number) Fixed. **** Eric Vyncke > > > -- Section 3 -- > s/TLS cannot be used directly in datagram environments/TLS cannot be used directly over a datagram transport/ ? > > Bullet 2) s/to enable reassembly in the correct order/to enable reordering/ ? Fixed. > -- Section 3.1 -- > Should there be a hint to a maximum retry count ? I'm not sure what we would put here given the diversity of environments, so we opted not to. > -- Section 3.3 -- > I understand the motivation (and no need to reply), but, sigh... implementing frag/reassembly above the transport layer... Indeed. If it helps, think of DTLS as the transport layer :) **** Robert Wilton > 1) Although it is clear from the metadata, it might be helpful if the > introduction also stated that it obsoletes DTLS 1.2. Done. > 2) This document is a set of deltas against TLS 1.3. Given that it > talks about the DTLS 1.1/1.2 documents being deltas in the > introduction, I would have also included that information for this > document in the introduction rather than in the Terminology and > Considerations section. Initially, having read the introduction I had > assumed that it was not going to be deltas. Done. **** Bernard Aboba > Summary: The timeout and retransmission scheme looks workable for common cases, but could use some refinement to make it more robust. > > Technical Comments > > 4.5.2. Handling Invalid Records > > Unlike TLS, DTLS is resilient in the face of invalid records (e.g., > invalid formatting, length, MAC, etc.). In general, invalid records > SHOULD be silently discarded, thus preserving the association; > however, an error MAY be logged for diagnostic purposes. > > [BA] How does silent discard of invalid records interact with retransmission timers? It doesn't. How could it? But I added some text anyway. > Implementations which choose to generate an alert instead, MUST > generate error alerts to avoid attacks where the attacker repeatedly > probes the implementation to see how it responds to various types of > error. Note that if DTLS is run over UDP, then any implementation > which does this will be extremely susceptible to denial-of-service > (DoS) attacks because UDP forgery is so easy. Thus, this practice is > NOT RECOMMENDED for such transports, both to increase the reliability > of DTLS service and to avoid the risk of spoofing attacks sending > traffic to unrelated third parties. > > [BA] "this practice" refers to "generate an alert instead", correct? Yes. Addressed, > 5.8.2. Timer Values > > Though timer values are the choice of the implementation, mishandling > of the timer can lead to serious congestion problems, for example if > > [BA] Saying "timer values are the choice of the implementation" seems > odd, because it is followed by normative language. I would delete this > and start the sentence with "Mishandling...". It has been deleted. > many instances of a DTLS time out early and retransmit too quickly on > a congested link. Implementations SHOULD use an initial timer value > of 100 msec (the minimum defined in RFC 6298 [RFC6298]) and double > the value at each retransmission, up to no less than 60 seconds (the > RFC 6298 maximum). Application specific profiles, such as those used > for the Internet of Things environment, may recommend longer timer > values. Note that a 100 msec timer is recommended rather than the > 3-second RFC 6298 default in order to improve latency for time- > sensitive applications. Because DTLS only uses retransmission for > handshake and not dataflow, the effect on congestion should be > minimal. > > Implementations SHOULD retain the current timer value until a message > is transmitted and acknowledged without having to be retransmitted, > at which time the value may be reset to the initial value. > > [BA] Is it always possible to distinguish a retransmission from a late > arrival of an original packet? This seems like it could result in > wrongly resetting the timer in some situations. The intent of this text is that you didn't retransmit at all. > 5.8.3. Large Flight Sizes > > DTLS does not have any built-in congestion control or rate control; > in general this is not an issue because messages tend to be small. > However, in principle, some messages - especially Certificate - can > be quite large. If all the messages in a large flight are sent at > once, this can result in network congestion. A better strategy is to > send out only part of the flight, sending more when messages are > acknowledged. DTLS offers a number of mechanisms for minimizing the > size of the certificate message, including the cached information > extension [RFC7924] and certificate compression [RFC8879]. > > [BA] How does the implementation know how much of the flight to send? > Not sure how prevalent large certs are for DTLS (e.g. compared with the self-signed certs of WebRTC), > but in EAP-TLS deployments, large certs have caused problems. > The EAP-TLS cert document draft-ietf-emu-eaptlscert cites some additional > mechanisms for reducing certificate sizes, such as draft-ietf-tls-ctls > and [RFC6066] which defines the "client_certificate_url" > extension which allows TLS clients to send a sequence of Uniform > Resource Locators (URLs) instead of the client certificate. We added some text. > 5.11. Alert Messages > > Note that Alert messages are not retransmitted at all, even when they > occur in the context of a handshake. However, a DTLS implementation > which would ordinarily issue an alert SHOULD generate a new alert > message if the offending record is received again (e.g., as a > retransmitted handshake message). Implementations SHOULD detect when > a peer is persistently sending bad messages and terminate the local > connection state after such misbehavior is detected. Note that > alerts are not reliably transmitted; implementation SHOULD NOT depend > on receiving alerts in order to signal errors or connection closure. > > [BA] For the fatal alert case, it does seem like retransmission would > be a good idea; otherwise the peer can be left hanging. This has been the practice since DTLS 1.0, and there's no way to ack them, so I don't think we should change no. > Section 7.1 > "Disruptions" such as reordering do not affect timers, correct? No. The timers are only on the sender side, so they kind of can't. > ACKs SHOULD NOT be sent for these flights unless generating the > responding flight takes significant time. > > What is "significant time"? Rewritten. > Editorial Comments (NITs) > > Section 2 > > The reader is also as to be familiar with > > [BA] "as" -> "assumed" Fixed. > Section 3 > > The basic design philosophy of DTLS is to construct "TLS over > datagram transport". Datagram transport does not require nor provide > reliable or in-order delivery of data. The DTLS protocol preserves > this property for application data. Applications such as media > streaming, Internet telephony, and online gaming use datagram > transport for communication due to the delay-sensitive nature of > transported data. The behavior of such applications is unchanged > when the DTLS protocol is used to secure communication, since the > DTLS protocol does not compensate for lost or reordered data traffic. > > [BA] While low-latency streaming and gaming does use DTLS to protect data (e.g. for > protection of WebRTC data channel), telephony and RTC Audio/Video uses DTLS/SRTP for > key derivation only, and SRTP for protection of data. So you might want to make a > distinction. Done. > Section 3.1 > > Note that timeout and retransmission do not apply to the > HelloRetryRequest since this would require creating state on the > server. The HelloRetryRequest is designed to be small enough that it > will not itself be fragmented, thus avoiding concerns about > interleaving multiple HelloRetryRequests. > > [BA] I would add "For more detail on timeouts and retransmission, > see Section 5.8." Done. > 4.3. Transport Layer Mapping > > DTLS messages MAY be fragmented into multiple DTLS records. Each > DTLS record MUST fit within a single datagram. In order to avoid IP > fragmentation, clients of the DTLS record layer SHOULD attempt to > size records so that they fit within any PMTU estimates obtained from > the record layer. > > [BA] You might reference PMTU considerations described in Section 4.4. Done. > Post-handshake client authentication > > Messages of each category can be sent independently, and reliability > is established via independent state machines each of which behaves > as described in Section 5.8.1. For example, if a server sends a > NewSessionTicket and a CertificateRequest message, two independent > state machines will be created. > > As explained in the corresponding sections, sending multiple > instances of messages of a given category without having completed > earlier transmissions is allowed for some categories, but not for > others. Specifically, a server MAY send multiple NewSessionTicket > messages at once without awaiting ACKs for earlier NewSessionTicket > first. Likewise, a server MAY send multiple CertificateRequest > messages at once without having completed earlier client > authentication requests before. In contrast, implementations MUST > NOT have send KeyUpdate, NewConnectionId or RequestConnectionId > > [BA] "send" -> "sent" Changed. > Example of Handshake with Timeout and Retransmission > > The following is an example of a handshake with lost packets and > retransmissions. Note that the client sends an empty ACK message > because it can only acknowledge Record 1 sent by the server once it > has processed messages in Record 0 needed to establish epoch 2 keys, > which are needed to encrypt to decrypt messages found in Record 1. > > [BA] "encrypt to decrypt" -> "encrypt or decrypt"? Changed. > Section 7.3 > > In the first case the use of the ACK message is optional because the > peer will retransmit in any case and therefore the ACK just allows > for selective retransmission, as opposed to the whole flight > retransmission in previous versions of DTLS. For instance in the > flow shown in Figure 11 if the client does not send the ACK message > > [BA] Figure 11 is the DTLS State Machine. Are you referring to another figure? Fixed. > The use of the ACK for the second case is mandatory for the proper > functioning of the protocol. For instance, the ACK message sent by > the client in Figure 13, acknowledges receipt and processing of > record 4 (containing the NewSessionTicket message) and if it is not > sent the server will continue retransmission of the NewSessionTicket > indefinitely until its transmission cap is reached. > > [BA] Do you mean "maximum retransmission timemout value"? Fixed.
- [TLS] draft-ietf-tls-dtls13-42 responses to feedb… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] draft-ietf-tls-dtls13-42 responses to f… Sean Turner