Re: [TLS] Choice of Additional Data Computation

Eric Rescorla <> Sun, 26 April 2020 21:09 UTC

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From: Eric Rescorla <>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2020 14:09:13 -0700
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To: Hanno Becker <>
Cc: chris - <>, Hannes Tschofenig <>, "" <>
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Choice of Additional Data Computation
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On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 2:43 AM Hanno Becker <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks Chris for your thoughts.
> Yes, it seems that specific formal analysis is needed, since we're
> dealing with the new
> situation that - in contrast to TLS 1.3 - shortened or omitted fields in
> the DTLS 1.3 headers
> (e.g. epoch, length, CID) introduce a notion of implicit context to a
> record which wasn't
> present before. This requires analysis of the desired properties of this
> implicit context
> and their implications on the protocol design.
> For example, such a property might informally be that a party able to
> decrypt a record
> must have correctly reconstructed the full implicit context of the
> record, such as the full
> epoch when it was shortened in the header, the CID when it was omitted, or
> the length
> when it was omitted.

The epoch, the sequence number, and the length are all bound to the AEAD

- The epoch determines the key
- The sequence number determines the nonce [note that this is actually
implicit in TLS 1.3]
- The length determines the input to the AAD.

And I am proposing removing implicit CIDs.


 This seems most directly achieved by cryptographically binding this
> context to the record through AAD, while protecting only the explicit
> context makes reasoning
> that the party has the correct context either less straightforward (see
> the epoch example) or
> impossible (current CID issue allowing to decrypt a record in a context
> with different CID).
> To me it therefore still appears preferable to use a pseudo-header as the
> AAD.
> Hopefully some more people from the protocol verification community
> will join in here and give their thoughts.
> Best,
> Hanno
> ------------------------------
> *From:* chris - <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, April 25, 2020 6:58 PM
> *To:* Hanno Becker <>
> *Cc:* Eric Rescorla <>; Hannes Tschofenig <
>>; <>
> *Subject:* Re: [TLS] Choice of Additional Data Computation
> So far I fail to understand, on an intuitive level, why it easier to
> analyze the protocol when the AAD can take multiple forms potentially
> truncating or omitting the underlying data, but then I don't know the
> details and you're the expert here. If you have time though to explain a
> bit more where the flaw in my thinking below is, that would be great,
> provided it's possible.
> I don't know that there's a flaw in your thinking. At the moment, all that
> I can speak to is how authenticating the header (or not) might impact
> security of DTLS. We can't directly extrapolate from what we know about
> TLS, because the security goal is not to the same. That said what I know
> about TLS is the following: the contents of the record header doesn't
> matter for security goal considered in [1], as long as (1) the header is
> authenticated; and (2) it correctly encodes the length of the next
> ciphertext. But since the security goal of DTLS is not the same, the
> details of the spec that are (ir)relevant to security are likely to differ.
> For example, another thing which I would expect to be more complicated to
> verify in full rigor is epoch authentication: If the epoch is reduced to
> its two low order bits in the DTLS 1.3 header and thus (at the moment) also
> in the AAD, arguing that decryption can only succeed for the correctly
> expanded epoch involves knowing that all epochs having different keys.
> That's of course true but this fact wouldn't be needed if the full numeric
> epoch was always explicitly authenticated in the AAD. This isn't a real
> issue in the end, but I would expect it to be a nuisance in a formal proof?
> In terms of what you mentioned regarding decoding details, it seems that
> adding the underlying logical header to the AAD ensures more directly that
> decryption can only succeed if header decoding (that is, filling in
> implicit data or expanding truncated data) was done correctly, whereas it
> is less clear with the truncated or omitted data in AAD, as in the epoch
> example above. Is it possible to explain what the flaw is here intuitively?
> I'm afraid I would need to absorb spec and think about its intended
> security properties in order to answer these specific questions. I'm sorry
> if this answer is unhelpful; Ekr asked that I chime due to my prior work on
> TLS. But I don't think there's a simple answer here, and unfortunately I
> don't have the time to think it through at the moment.
> For now, I'll just leave you with this. I'm a fan of the following design
> principle: whenever there is a branch in your code that depends on a bit
> read from the wire, that bit should be authenticated if possible. To your
> example, if a decision you're about to make depends on you agreeing with
> the peer on the current epoch, the principle says that the epoch had better
> be authenticated. Whether it's necessary or appropriate to do so here (via
> AEAD decryption) depends very much on the context, i.e., the protocol
> details and the security goal.
> Chris P.
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