Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the header?
Stephen Farrell <> Thu, 30 April 2015 08:06 UTC
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Subject: Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the header?
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Hi Dave, That brings in a bunch of things including tools, boilerplate issues and policy stuff ("do we want an https-everything like thing for the IETF?"). Good questions to ask though so I'll put that on the IESG's agenda for some meetings we're having next week. Please hassle me in 2-3 weeks if you don't hear something back. Cheers, S. On 30/04/15 01:35, Dave Garrett wrote: > > > > Where does the "Status of This Memo" and "Copyright Notice" text get pulled from? There seems to be some black magic involved in the build process, and I don't see where that text lives. I'd like to request the two URLs be updated, but I don't know where to ask. > > status has: > > which redirects to: > > which does support TLS, and should be: > > > copyright has: > > which redirects to: > > which does support TLS, and should be: > > the initial URL also supports TLS, so this works: > > however that redirects to HTTP, not HTTPS (...sigh) > > So, yeah... I'd like the new TLS spec to actually attempt to use TLS in its URLs, where possible. To do this needs: > 1) Update those two URLs in the template for these sections to use the HTTPS equivalent (in the case of "status", also change "current" to "active"). > 2) Get someone to fix the redirects on to redirect to HTTPS, at minimum when already coming from HTTPS. > > Actually using TLS by default might also be a plan... > > As to other URLs in the document, I added a couple 's'es in my minor fixes branch/PR. There are additional domains that do support HTTPS, technically, but they get cert errors... because of course they do. > > The RFC references have an odd inconsistency here. In the numbered working group drafts, they properly generate with HTTPS links: > > However, in the editor's copy (draft-ietf-tls-tls13-latest), they generate with HTTP links: > > > That needs fixing if just for consistency. > > Also, should of course be using HTTPS by default, but it's not. > > > Dave > > _______________________________________________ > TLS mailing list > > > >
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Stephen Farrell
- [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the header? Dave Garrett
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Dave Garrett
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Roland Zink
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Dave Garrett
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Xiaoyin Liu
- Re: [TLS] who do I poke to fix the URLs in the he… Stephen Farrell