Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional-prf-input-00.txt
Michael Gray <> Wed, 07 October 2009 06:05 UTC
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Subject: Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional-prf-input-00.txt
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Paul Hoffman <> wrote on 07/10/2009 12:36:47 PM: > At 11:33 AM +1000 10/7/09, Michael Gray wrote: > >In this case should be this draft also indicate that the client MAY > >generate a fatal "handshake_failure" alert in the event that the Server > >provides insufficient data? > > > >Would this again be true for the Server, if a Client sends insufficient > >data? i.e. A Server MAY generate a fatal "handshake_failure" alert in the > >event that the Client provides insufficient data? > > Either side MAY decide for many reasons to stop when they see the > other sides's extension. I can add something to this effect to the next draft. > > >Additionally, can the Server use the Client size as an indication of how > >much the Server should send? else how does the Client convey a > >minimum/desired requirement information to a Server? > > It doesn't. This is really a different set of semantics than the > previous draft. We realized that there was too many expectations > being signalled, and decided to simplify. IMHO the previous draft was easier from a Server configuration point of view. We want our Server configuration to be as simple and accommodating as possible to minimize the number of configuration options our consuming products need to deal with, which also simplifies things for our customers. Thus in the previous draft version we needed no Server configuration by default in that the Server comes preconfigured with a default safe maximum value. Thus what ever the Client asks for, the Server will both accept and provide, up until it’s maximum default configuration without needing a configuration update from a customer. We ended up with two optional configuration values for a Server: A optional value for the Maximum amount of random data it will provide on request, and an optional value for Minimum amount that the Server will accept from a Client i.e. the Server MUST receive this minimal amount of additional PRF input. In this draft we could have the Server always respond with it’s Maximum safe value or force the customer to always set a configuration value which immediately causes customer pain. Sending the maximum safe value seems an over kill if the client does not need or want it; the client is after all indicating how much it wants to add on it's side to the PRF and it seems intuitive IMO for the Server to play ball and respond in kind. If the customer then makes the Server configuration value too small we could have handshake fails with certain clients, reducing Server availability, a situation that will require problem determination to resolve, and related customer annoyance. Mick Gray IBM > > --Paul Hoffman, Director > --VPN Consortium
- [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional-prf… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Simon Josefsson
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Michael Gray
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Michael Gray
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Michael Gray
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Pasi.Eronen
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Russ Housley
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] New draft: draft-solinas-tls-additional… Pasi.Eronen