[TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyDataInfo
Filippo Valsorda <ml@filippo.io> Fri, 07 October 2016 16:57 UTC
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Cc: filippo@cloudflare.com, aaspring@umich.edu
Subject: [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyDataInfo
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Hello, Cloudflare's current (not definitive) plan for 0-RTT is essentially to decide whether or not to answer to requests in the 0.5 flight on a case-by-case basis. That obviously requires reading all of them and caching the ones we don't want to answer. To mitigate the obvious DoS concern we plan to use the ticket age and a per-machine replay cache. However, chatting with Drew (cc'd) we realized that clients could still send huge amounts of 0-RTT data that we would have to buffer. Once a client sent early data, there's no way to accept only a part of it or to verify that the client is not replaying before reading it all. But if we were to close the connection after a given amount of data we risk failing connections from legal clients. I propose to add a field max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyDataInfo, to inform clients about the maximum amount of 0-RTT data they are allowed to send, allowing servers to safely terminate connections that exceed it. https://github.com/tlswg/tls13-spec/pull/674 [Please keep me in the CC of replies]
- [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyDataI… Filippo Valsorda
- Re: [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyD… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyD… David Benjamin
- Re: [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyD… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyD… Filippo Valsorda
- Re: [TLS] Add max_early_data_size to TicketEarlyD… Eric Rescorla