[Tools-discuss] Recommended new wiki product

Jay Daley <jay@ietf.org> Tue, 13 April 2021 21:42 UTC

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Hi All

The requirements for a new wiki have been consulted on [1] and it has been confirmed on today’s call that there are no further changes.  Based on that we can now move to a recommendation for a new wiki product.

There are over a hundred wiki products available and an exhaustive requirements assessment has not been conducted.  Based on the agreed requirements, the following products have been evaluated and rejected:

	• MediaWiki
		• Markdown only supported by an unmaintained extension
		• Limited interface customization
		• Limited WYSIWYG editor
	• Confluence
		• Too costly.  It might be possible to get a free license but no guarantee that would always be available.
	• Dokuwiki
		• Uses the file system and not a database.
		• Markdown by default is experimental feature
	• TWiki
		• Will not support Markdown
		• Much more than just a wiki
	• Trac
		• Much more than a wiki product
		• Markdown plugin is unmaintained
		• Significant community hostility

The proposed product, that meets all the agreed requirements and meets them well is:

	• Wiki.js
		• Core Markdown with optional WYSIWYG
		• Core OIDC support
		• Very actively developed and supported with excellent documentation
		• Designed for containers
		• Core support for code snippets, maths expressions and diagrams
		• Core support for Git
		• Supports Matomo
		• Themes are weak in comparison to other products requiring a developer familiar with the NodeJS vue framework.
		• Runs on multiple databases including MySQL and PostgreSQL though may move to solely support PostgreSQL in the future.

Please let me know if you think there is a mistake in the assessment or there is another product that meets the requirements [1] better.


[1]  https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tools-discuss/OKPzIqdz79FAdrKcx9SNDGysUww/

Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director